Sports Vocabulary & Irregular Verbs: Enhance Your English
Sports Vocabulary & Irregular Verbs
Sports Venues
Tennis court – Boxing ring – Rugby field – Cycling track – Golf course – Ice-skating rink – Basketball/volleyball court – Archery, athletics, canoeing…
Sports Actions & People
Actions: Bounce – Catch – Hit – Kick – Pass – Throw
People: Athlete – Coach – Fan – Opponent – Referee – Spectator – Team-mate
Common Irregular Verbs
Infinitive – Past Simple – Past Participle
Be, was/were, been | beat, beat, beaten | become, became, become |
begin, began, begun | bite, bit, bitten | break, broke, broken |
bring, brought, brought | broadcast, broadcast, broadcast | build, built, built |
burn, burned/burnt, burned/burnt | burst, burst, burst | buy, bought, bought |
Can, could, been able to | catch, caught, caught | choose, chose, chosen |
come, came, come | cost, cost, cost | cut, cut, cut |
Deal, dealt, dealt | dig, dug, dug | do, did, done |
draw, drew, drawn | dream, dreamed/dreamt, dreamed/dreamt | drink, drank, drunk |
drive, drove, driven | Eat, ate, eaten | |
Fall, fell, fallen | feed, fed, fed | feel, felt, felt |
fight, fought, fought | find, found, found | fit, fit, fit |
fly, flew, flown | forget, forgot, forgotten | forgive, forgave, forgiven |
Freeze, froze, frozen | Get, got, got/gotten | give, gave, given |
go, went, gone | grow, grew, grown | Hang, hung, hung |
have, had, had | hear, heard, heard | hide, hid, hidden |
hit, hit, hit | hold, held, held | hurt, hurt, hurt |
keep, kept, kept | know, knew, known | Lead, led, led |
learn, learned/learnt, learned/learnt | leave, left, left | lend, lent, lent |
let, let, let | lie, lay, lain | light, lit, lit |
lose, lost, lost | Make, made, made | mean, meant, meant |
meet, met, met | Pay, paid, paid | put, put, put |
Read, read, read | ride, rode, ridden | ring, rang, rung |
run, ran, run | Say, said, said | see, saw, seen |
sell, sold, sold | send, sent, sent | set, set, set |
shine, shone, shone | show, showed, shown | shut, shut, shut |
sing, sang, sung | sit, sat, sat | sleep, slept, slept |
slide, slid, slid | smell, smelled/smelt, smelled/smelt | speak, spoke, spoken |
spend, spent, spent | spill, spilled/spilt, spilled/spilt | split, split, split |
stand, stood, stood | steal, stole, stolen | stick, stuck, stuck |
strike, struck, struck | swell, swelled, swollen | swim, swam, swum |
Take, took, taken | teach, taught, taught | tear, tore, torn |
tell, told, told | think, thought, thought | throw, threw, thrown |
Understand, understood, understood | upset, upset, upset | Wake, woke, woken |
wear, wore, worn | win, won, won | write, wrote, written |
Common Sports Phrases
- Beat an opponent
- Blow a whistle
- Break a world record
- Bounce/catch/hit/kick/pass/throw a ball
- Come first/second/last
- Enter a competition
- Keep/stay fit/in shape
- Lose a match/point
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