Sports Vocabulary & Irregular Verbs: Enhance Your English

Sports Vocabulary & Irregular Verbs

Sports Venues

Tennis court – Boxing ring – Rugby field – Cycling track – Golf course – Ice-skating rink – Basketball/volleyball court – Archery, athletics, canoeing…

Sports Actions & People

Actions: Bounce – Catch – Hit – Kick – Pass – Throw

People: Athlete – Coach – Fan – Opponent – Referee – Spectator – Team-mate

Common Irregular Verbs

Infinitive – Past Simple – Past Participle

Be, was/were, beenbeat, beat, beatenbecome, became, become
begin, began, begunbite, bit, bittenbreak, broke, broken
bring, brought, broughtbroadcast, broadcast, broadcastbuild, built, built
burn, burned/burnt, burned/burntburst, burst, burstbuy, bought, bought
Can, could, been able tocatch, caught, caughtchoose, chose, chosen
come, came, comecost, cost, costcut, cut, cut
Deal, dealt, dealtdig, dug, dugdo, did, done
draw, drew, drawndream, dreamed/dreamt, dreamed/dreamtdrink, drank, drunk
drive, drove, drivenEat, ate, eaten
Fall, fell, fallenfeed, fed, fedfeel, felt, felt
fight, fought, foughtfind, found, foundfit, fit, fit
fly, flew, flownforget, forgot, forgottenforgive, forgave, forgiven
Freeze, froze, frozenGet, got, got/gottengive, gave, given
go, went, gonegrow, grew, grownHang, hung, hung
have, had, hadhear, heard, heardhide, hid, hidden
hit, hit, hithold, held, heldhurt, hurt, hurt
keep, kept, keptknow, knew, knownLead, led, led
learn, learned/learnt, learned/learntleave, left, leftlend, lent, lent
let, let, letlie, lay, lainlight, lit, lit
lose, lost, lostMake, made, mademean, meant, meant
meet, met, metPay, paid, paidput, put, put
Read, read, readride, rode, riddenring, rang, rung
run, ran, runSay, said, saidsee, saw, seen
sell, sold, soldsend, sent, sentset, set, set
shine, shone, shoneshow, showed, shownshut, shut, shut
sing, sang, sungsit, sat, satsleep, slept, slept
slide, slid, slidsmell, smelled/smelt, smelled/smeltspeak, spoke, spoken
spend, spent, spentspill, spilled/spilt, spilled/spiltsplit, split, split
stand, stood, stoodsteal, stole, stolenstick, stuck, stuck
strike, struck, struckswell, swelled, swollenswim, swam, swum
Take, took, takenteach, taught, taughttear, tore, torn
tell, told, toldthink, thought, thoughtthrow, threw, thrown
Understand, understood, understoodupset, upset, upsetWake, woke, woken
wear, wore, wornwin, won, wonwrite, wrote, written

Common Sports Phrases

  • Beat an opponent
  • Blow a whistle
  • Break a world record
  • Bounce/catch/hit/kick/pass/throw a ball
  • Come first/second/last
  • Enter a competition
  • Keep/stay fit/in shape
  • Lose a match/point

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks include learning from data, understanding natural language, recognizing patterns, solving problems, and even making decisions. AI can range from simple programs, like virtual assistants, to advanced systems that power self-driving cars and medical diagnostics. Its goal is to make machines smarter, more efficient, and capable of improving various aspects of our daily lives.