SQL Queries: Examples on Database Operations
SQL Queries for Member, Book, and Borrowed Tables
The following SQL queries operate on these tables:
member(memb_no, name, age)
book(isbn, title, authors, publisher)
borrowed(memb_no, isbn, date)
1. Members Who Borrowed McGraw-Hill Books
Print the names of members who have borrowed any book published by “McGraw-Hill”.
FROM member m, book b, borrowed l
WHERE m.memb_no = l.memb_no
AND l.isbn = b.isbn
AND b.publisher = 'McGraw-Hill';
Relational Algebra:
t1 <-- πisbn(σpublisher = "McGraw-Hill"(books))
πname((member ⋈ borrowed) ⋈ t1)
2. Members Who Borrowed All McGraw-Hill Books
Print the names of members who have borrowed all books published by McGraw-Hill.
FROM member m
(SELECT isbn
FROM book
WHERE publisher = 'McGraw-Hill')
(SELECT isbn
FROM borrowed l
WHERE l.memb_no = m.memb_no)
Relational Algebra:
t1 <-- πisbn(σpublisher = "McGraw-Hill"(books))
πname, isbn((member ⋈ borrowed) ÷ t1)
3. Members Borrowing 5+ Books from a Publisher
For each publisher, print the names of members who have borrowed more than five books of that publisher.
SELECT publisher, name
SELECT publisher, name, COUNT(isbn) AS count_books
FROM member m, book b, borrowed l
WHERE m.memb_no = l.memb_no
AND l.isbn = b.isbn
GROUP BY publisher, name
) AS membpub
WHERE count_books > 5;
Relational Algebra:
t1 <-- member ⋈ borrowed ⋈ (σpublisher = "McGraw-Hill"(books))
πname(σcountisbn > 5(memb_noGCOUNT-DISTINCT(isbn) AS countisbn(t1)))
4. Average Number of Books Borrowed
Print the average number of books borrowed per member.
WITH memcount AS (
SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_members
FROM member
SELECT CAST(COUNT(*) AS REAL) / (SELECT total_members FROM memcount) AS average_books
FROM borrowed;
Relational Algebra:
t1 <-- member ⋈ borrowed ⋈ books
πpublisher, name(σcountisbn > 5(memb_noGCOUNT-DISTINCT(isbn) AS countisbn(t1)))
SQL Queries for Employee and Company Tables
The following SQL queries operate on these tables:
employee(employee_name, street, city)
works(employee_name, company_name, salary)
company(company_name, city)
manages(employee_name, manager_name)
1. Employees of First Bank Corporation
Find the names of all employees who work for First Bank Corporation.
SELECT employee_name
FROM works
WHERE company_name = 'First Bank Corporation';
2. Employees Living in Company Cities
Find all employees who live in the same cities as the companies for which they work.
SELECT e.employee_name
FROM employee e, works w, company c
WHERE e.employee_name = w.employee_name
AND e.city = c.city
AND w.company_name = c.company_name;
3. Employees on Same Street as Managers
Find all employees who live in the same cities and on the same streets as their managers.
SELECT P.employee_name
FROM employee P, employee R, manages M
WHERE P.employee_name = M.employee_name
AND M.manager_name = R.employee_name
AND P.street = R.street
AND P.city = R.city;
4. Employees Earning Above Company Average
Find all employees who earn more than the average salary of all employees of their company.
SELECT employee_name
FROM works T
WHERE salary > (
SELECT AVG(salary)
FROM works S
WHERE T.company_name = S.company_name
5. Company with the Smallest Payroll
Find the company that has the smallest payroll.
SELECT company_name
FROM works
GROUP BY company_name
HAVING SUM(salary) <= ALL (
SELECT SUM(salary)
FROM works
GROUP BY company_name
SQL Queries: Accidents Involving Cars
The following SQL queries operate on these tables:
person(driver_id, name, address)
car(license, model, year)
accident(report_number, date, location)
owns(driver_id, license)
participated(report_number, license, driver_id, damage_amount)
1. Accidents Involving John Smith’s Cars
Find the number of accidents in which the cars belonging to “John Smith” were involved.
FROM accident
FROM participated, owns, person
WHERE owns.driver_id = person.driver_id
AND person.name = 'John Smith'
AND owns.license = participated.license
AND accident.report_number = participated.report_number
2. Update Damage Amount
Update the damage amount for the car with license number “AABB2000” in the accident with report number “AR2197” to $3000.
UPDATE participated
SET damage_amount = 3000
WHERE report_number = 'AR2197'
AND license = 'AABB2000';