Statistics and Sampling: True or False Practice Questions
1) A population is a set that includes all elements about which we wish to draw a conclusion. True
2) If we examine some of the population measurements, we are conducting a census of the population. False. Example: A census is defined as examining all of the population measurements.
3) A random sample is selected so that every element in the population has the same chance of being included in the sample. True
4) An example of a quantitative variable is the manufacturer of a car. False
5) An example of a qualitative variable is the mileage of a car. False
6) Statistical inference is the science of using a sample of measurements to make generalizations about the important aspects of a population of measurements. True
7) Time series data are data collected at the same time period. False
8) Cross-sectional data are data collected at the same or approximately the same point in time. True
9) Daily high temperature in a local community collected over a 30-day time period is an example of cross-sectional data. False. Cross-sectional data are collected at the same point in time. This is an example of time series data.
10) The number of sick days taken by employees in 2008 for the top 10 technology companies is an example of time series data. False
11) The number of sick days per month taken by employees for the last 10 years at Apex Co. is an example of time series data. True
12) A quantitative variable can also be referred to as a categorical variable. False. Example: Qualitative
13) In a data set of information on college business students, an example of an element is their cumulative GPA. False. Example: The cumulative GPA is an example of a variable.
14) In an observational study, the variable of interest is called a response variable. True
15) In an experimental study, the aim is to manipulate or set the value of the response variable. False. Example: In experimental studies, the aim is to manipulate the factor(s), which may be related to the response variable.
16) The science of describing the important aspects of a set of measures is called statistical inference. False. Example: This is the definition of descriptive statistics.
17) It is possible to use a random sample from a population to make statistical inferences about the entire population. True
18) Processes produce outputs over time. True
19) Selecting many different samples and running many different tests can eventually produce a result that makes a desired conclusion be true. False. Just by doing that doesn’t mean it’s true.
20) Using a nonrandom sample procedure in order to support a desired conclusion is an example of an unethical statistical procedure. True
21) An individual collecting data directly through planned experimentation is obtaining primary data. True
22) Secondary data are data taken from an existing source. True
23) Data warehousing is defined as a process of centralized data management and retrieval. True
24) The term big data refers to the use of survey data by big business. False
25) In order to select a stratified random sample, we divide the population into overlapping groups of similar elements. False. Example: A stratified random sample is created by dividing the population into non-overlapping groups.
26) If we sample without replacement, we do not place the unit chosen on a particular selection back into the population. True
27) By taking a systematic sample in which we select every 100th shopper arriving at a specific store, we are approximating a random sample of shoppers. True
28) A common practice in selecting a sample from a large geographic area is multistage cluster sampling. True
29) Stratification can at times be combined with multistage cluster sampling to develop an appropriate sample. True
30) In systematic sampling, the first element is randomly selected from the first (N/n) elements. True
31) A sampling error can occur because of incomplete information. True
32) The target population is the result of sampling from the original population that is of interest to the researcher. False. Example: Target population is the entire population of interest.
33) Errors of non-observation occur when data values are recorded incorrectly. False
34) A recording error is an error of observation. True
35) A low response rate has no effect on the validity of a survey’s findings. False. Example: It does affect it.
36) Sampling error occurs because a characteristic of a random sample may not exactly equal the population characteristic that we are attempting to estimate. True
37) Convenience sampling is a type of probability sampling in which we select elements to sample because we believe they have the highest probability of responding. False
38) Judgment sampling is an example of convenience sampling. False
39) Judgment sampling occurs when a person who is extremely knowledgeable about the population under consideration selects the population elements that they feel are most representative of the population. True
40) Business analytics is a new field that does not use traditional statistics to analyze big data. False
41) Prescriptive analytics involve methods used to find anomalies, patterns, and associations in data sets with the purpose of predicting future outcomes. False. Example: That’s the definition of predictive.
42) A population that consists of all the customers who will use the drive-thru of the local fast food restaurant is called a(n) ________. D) finite population
43) In ________ we select elements because they are easy to sample. B) convenience sampling
44) ________ sampling is where we know the chance that each element will be included in the sample, which allows us to make statistical inferences about the sample population. C) Probability
45) Which of the following is not a method of numerical descriptive analytics? C) bullet graphs
46) ________ uses traditional or newer graphics to present visual summaries of business information. D) Graphical descriptive analytics
47) Which of the following is not a supervised learning technique in predictive analytics? B) factor analysis
48) Transactional data are now used by businesses as part of B) big data.
49) _____ consists of a set of concepts & techniques that are used to describe populations & samples & to make statistical inferences about populations by using samples. A) Traditional statistics
50) When we are choosing a random sample & we do not place chosen units back into the population, we are B) sampling without replacement.
52) Methods for obtaining a sample are called D) sampling designs.