Strategic Business Analysis and Problem Solving Framework
Focused Summary
Provide a concise summary (5-7 sentences) focusing on the key aspects of the business case. Avoid drawing conclusions about specific companies, products, or services. Highlight key players, critical events, the main organizational problem, and the current decision that needs to be made.
Dedicate one to one and a third pages to identify and describe distinct problems. Each paragraph should:
- Identify and describe one distinct problem.
- Provide examples from the case that showcase the problem area.
- Explain the relevance of the problem, including its significance and urgency.
In one to one and a half pages, provide an explanation (cause) for each problem area identified. Utilize the EOPT framework:
- Environment: External factors impacting the organization.
- Organization: Internal factors, including processes and structure.
- People: Human resources and their impact.
- Task: Specific tasks and their execution.
In one paragraph (3-4 sentences), identify and describe three goals (end states). Two goals should be concrete and measurable, and all three should represent conditions critical for the future of the organization.
Action Alternatives
Develop 3-4 paragraphs, each identifying a potential action. Each paragraph should:
- Identify and describe an action that addresses internal organizational problems and their causes.
- Provide a rationale for selecting this action, supported by strong evidence.
- Evaluate the alternative using the established goals to measure effectiveness.
Recommendation and Implementation
Recommendation: In one paragraph, state the chosen alternative and explain why it is the best choice. Justify why the other alternatives were not selected.
Implementation: In one page, detail how the recommendation will work. Describe the process by which the solution will be implemented, including:
- Specific actions with measurable and clear results.
- Explicit steps to be taken.
- Timing of those steps.
- Estimated and justified costs, if applicable.
- Human and other resources required.
In a short paragraph, state the point in time when the organization must re-examine the situation to assess the success or failure of the recommended course of action. Identify an alternative course of action in case the original implementation fails.
Case Study: Mutual Life of Canada
- Lack of Qualifier in Guarantee: This issue stems from organizational processes and environmental factors.
- Up to Customer’s Discretion: This problem is caused by organizational processes and environmental factors.
- No Solid Contingency Plan: This indicates a lack of fit between people and tasks.
- Encourage feedback.
- Minimize fallout.
- Protect from abuse.
Action Alternatives
- Opt-out of the program.
- Eliminate the program.
- Fix the program.
A letter of apology should be prepared as a contingency measure.
Mutual Life of Canada (Mutual Life), one of Canada’s largest insurers, is headquartered in Waterloo, Ontario. The company consists of five different divisions. Janet DeSilva, Regional Group Marketing Director, suspects that George Draper, a Hamilton Branch representative of Consolidated, is abusing Mutual Life’s no-questions-asked service guarantee. The guarantee was intended to encourage feedback from clients about the quality of service they are receiving. Despite Mr. Draper indicating that he is satisfied with the service, he has voiced his intent to file a claim several times, believing he has every right to do so. Upon hearing that Mutual Life plans to centralize claims processing for Hamilton to Toronto’s claims office, Mr. Draper again announced that he will be filing a claim, stating that Mutual Life owes him $9,500. Janet DeSilva is now considering her next course of action.