Strategic Educational Plans & Curriculum Concepts in Castilla La Mancha

Strategic Plans in Educational CLM

Plan for Communicative Competence in Languages

Objectives include promoting respect for linguistic diversity, implementing the European Framework of Reference, using language portfolios, providing foreign language training for teachers, supporting youth mobility, and establishing bilingual schools and sections.

Plan for School Success

Includes free textbooks and alternative materials.

Digital Education 2.0: The Schools Program

Aims to use technology as a source of knowledge, providing personal computers for each student, interactive whiteboards, and enhanced teacher training. The goal is to adapt teaching and learning to new technologies and equip students with essential tools for personal and professional development. The Delphi program and the Education Portal are used for center management.

Plan to Reduce Early School Leaving

Focuses on cooperation with labor administration.

CLM Educational System Indicators

Office of Evaluation: Proposals for Improvement

Territorial Extension Indicator

Shows the map of Castilla La Mancha, its total area, and its percentage within the nation, as well as the provincial distribution and percentage of each province within the region.

Population Data Indicator

Collects demographic information from the municipal population register to assess human capital performance in Castilla La Mancha.

Quality and Living Conditions Indicator

Analyzes contextual factors that significantly influence the transfer of educational content.

Indicators of Resources

Collects information on education funding.

Concept of Curriculum: Definitions and Evolution

There is no single definition for the curriculum. According to Margarita Pansza, it is “a structured series of learning experiences intentionally articulated with a specific purpose: to produce the desired learning.” The curriculum has evolved from a technical perspective to critical practice.

Technical Perspective: Bobbit believed training experiences enhance school development. Tyler defined the curriculum as a planned learning experience directed by the school to achieve its goals.

Practical Perspective: Glatthorn stated the curriculum is a plan to guide learning. Stenhouse explained it as a project creating a basis for planning, evaluation, and justification of educational projects.

Critical Perspective: Ibarrola Glazman sees it as a dynamic process of social change adaptation. Others view it as a conceptual construct and actions dedicated to building. Alicia de Alba synthesized cultural elements into a political education proposal.

Sources of Curriculum

  • Sociological Source: Addresses societal demands on training projects, aligning them with social needs, values, and expectations.
  • Epistemological Source: Refers to the demands imposed on curriculum design by the disciplines used as references for content selection and organization.
  • Psychological Source: Considers development and learning theories when deciding on methodology, objectives, and content organization.
  • Pedagogic Source: Involves theoretical concepts about teaching in general and specific subjects.