Mastering English Grammar: Tenses, Clauses, and More
Relative Clauses
Defining: who/that, which/that, when/that, where, whose.
Non-defining: without ‘that’, with commas.
Desiderative Sentences
- wish/if only + past simple (present situations we would like to change or improve).
- wish/if only + past perfect (past events, regretting what happened).
- wish/if only + could/would + base form (wishes about future situations, indicating that it is unlikely).
Causative Verbs
have/get + a noun + a participle (express actions that were commissioned to someone).
Passive Voice
- sell
Essential English Grammar: Vocabulary, Tenses, and More
- Avoid: Evitar
- A lie: Una mentira
- A game: Un juego
- Approached: Se acercó
- Beyond: Más allá de
- Being ill: Estar enferma
- Being tired: Estar cansada
- Badly: Gravemente
- Bluff: Fanfarronear
- Careful: Cuidadosa
- Cautious: Precavida
- Challenge: Desafío, reto
- Dangerous: Peligroso
- Daredevil: Temeraria
- Deal with: Encargarme de esto
- Deceive: Engañar
- Disguised: Disfrazada
- Deceptive: Engañoso
- Disturb: Molestar
- Distress: Angustia
- Doubt: Duda
- Excited: Emocionado
- Enthusiastic: Entusiasta
- End up: Terminar
- Embarrassed: Avergonzada
- Exploits:
Effective Business Communication & Meeting Protocols
Rescheduling a Meeting
Ellie: Good morning, Ann. This is Ellie from Computers Direct. I’m Emma Ryan’s assistant. Emma has a meeting with Dan scheduled for tomorrow at 2:00 PM.
Ann: Just a moment, please. Yes, I see it in Dan’s diary.
Ellie: Unfortunately, I’m going to have to postpone the meeting. I’m sorry it’s last minute, but Emma must stay in New York for another day.
Ann: I see. Would you like to reschedule now?
Ellie: Yes, let’s try for next week.
Ann: Would Thursday, May 11th, suit Emma?
Business Communication and English Grammar Tips
A. Meeting Arrangement for Next Week
I am writing to arrange a time for our meeting next week. We had arranged a meeting for tomorrow to discuss our business plans. Following conversations with our distributors and due to the suggestions that our staff have given us, we have decided to promote this fact. I would like to suggest holding the meeting in the small conference room at the Hilton Hotel in Madrid on Thursday morning.
B. Availability and Information Request
Unfortunately, I am not available
Read MoreEssential Spanish Vocabulary for Business and Daily Life
Basic Adjectives
- Clean: limpio
- Dirty: sucio
- Cheap: barato
- Expensive: caro
Places and Time
- Main square: plaza principal
- Fountain: fuente
- Outside: fuera (de)
- By: al lado de
Time Expressions
- As soon as possible: cuanto antes
- Right away: en seguida
- By the end of the week: para finales de semana
- By the end of the month: para finales del mes
- By the end of the year: para finales de año
Business and Office
- Sales forecast: previsión de ventas
- Office seating plan: plan de distribución de puestos de trabajo
- Quarter: trimestre
- The
Travel Adventures, Celebrations, and English Grammar Review
Travel and Adventure Ideas
- Adventure Activities: Look for adventure, take a personal challenge, go on a trek.
- Volunteer Work: Do volunteer work, meet the locals.
- Relaxation and Exploration: Get away from it all, take it easy, see historical places, fulfill a dream.
- Travel Styles: Choose from isolated or crowded locations, peaceful or dangerous settings, boring or relaxing experiences, fun or impressive places, noisy or historical sites, lively or underdeveloped areas, unspoiled or guided tours, cruises,