English Irregular Verbs: A Quick Reference
English Irregular Verbs
Here’s a list of common irregular verbs in English, along with their past simple and past participle forms, and their Spanish translations:
- Be was/were been ser, estar
- Begin began begun empezar
- Break broke broken romper
- Bring brought brought traer
- Build built built construir
- Buy bought bought comprar
- Choose chose chosen escoger
- Come came come venir
- Do did done hacer
- Drink drank drunk beber
- Drive drove driven conducir
- Eat ate eaten comer
- Fall fell fallen caer
- Find found found escuchar
- Fly
Irregular Verbs: Conjugation and Translation
This list provides the base form, past simple, past participle, and Spanish translation of common irregular verbs.
Verbs List
Here’s a comprehensive list of irregular verbs:
Be / was / were / been / ser o estar
Become / became / become / convertirse en
Begin / began / begun / empezar
Bet / bet / bet / apostar
Bleed / bled / bled / sangrar
Break / broke / broken / romper
Bring / brought / brought / traer
Build / built / built / construir
Burn / burnt / burned / quemar
Buy / bought / bought / comprar
Catch / caught
Read MoreComprehensive Guide to Irregular English Verbs
Irregular Verb List: A Quick Reference
Here’s a list of common irregular verbs in English, with their base form, past simple, and past participle forms:
- Be: was/were, been (Ser/Estar)
- Beat: beat, beaten (Golpear)
- Become: became, become (Llegar a ser)
- Begin: began, begun (Empezar)
- Bend: bent, bent (Doblarse)
- Bet: bet, bet (Apostar)
- Bite: bit, bitten (Morder)
- Bleed: bled, bled (Sangrar)
- Blow: blew, blown (Soplar)
- Break: broke, broken (Romper)
- Bring: brought, brought (Traer)
- Build: built, built (Construir)
- Burn:
Mastering the Future Perfect Tense: Will Have + Past Participle
The Future Perfect Tense: Will Have + Past Participle
The future perfect tense is formed using “will have” + the past participle of the main verb.
- Affirmative: I will have arrived.
- Negative: I won’t have arrived.
- Interrogative: Will I have arrived?
- Negative Interrogative: Won’t I have arrived?
List of Irregular Verbs
Infinitive | Past Simple | Past Participle | Translation |
arise | arose | arisen | surgir |
awake | awoke | awoken | despertar(se) |
bear | bore | borne | soportar |
beat | beat | beaten | golpear |
become | became | become | convertirse en |
begin | began | begun | empezar |
bend | bent | bent | doblar( |
Essential English Irregular Verbs: Master Verb Conjugation
Essential English Irregular Verbs
Mastering irregular verbs is crucial for English fluency. This list provides a comprehensive collection of common irregular verbs, helping you improve your grammar and expand your vocabulary.
- Arise arose arisen = surgir
- Be was/were Been = ser
- Bear Bore borne = soportar
- Beat beat beaten = vencer
- Become became become = convertirse
- Begin began begun = empezar
- Bend bent bent = doblar
- Bind bound bound = amarrar
- Bite bit bitten = morder
- Bleed bled Bled = sangrar
- Blow blew blown =