Analgesics: Non-Opioid and Opioid Medications
Non-Opioid Analgesics
There is a correlation between dosage and distribution throughout the day.
- Gastroduodenal Pathology
- Blood Dyscrasias
- History of allergy to aspirin
Antipyretics with Little or No Anti-inflammatory Activity
1. Paracetamol: An analgesic and antipyretic with efficacy similar to that of Aspirin, but without anti-inflammatory action.
- Rapid gastrointestinal absorption. Peak serum concentrations are attained within 45 minutes.
- Good Histic diffusion (of fabrics)
Immunosuppressants and Antihistamines: Uses and Side Effects
Immunosuppressive Drugs: Patient Education
Preventing Infection
When taking immunosuppressive drugs, it’s crucial to prevent infection by:
- Practicing exhaustive hand-washing.
- Avoiding crowds whenever possible.
- Avoiding contact with people who have active infections.
Managing Renal Insufficiency
To control renal insufficiency:
- Monitor urine production.
- Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.
- Avoid consumption of grapefruit juice.
Cyclosporine: Side Effects and Interactions
Most Common Side Effect
Renal impairment,
Read MoreAntiparkinsonian Medication: Nursing & Patient Care
Nursing Diagnoses in Patients on Antiparkinsonian Drugs
- Risk of falls: Related to dyskinesia, loss of balance, and orthostatic hypotension.
- Knowledge deficit: Regarding medication management.
- Constipation: A common side effect of some antiparkinsonian medications.
Dietary Recommendations for Antiparkinsonian Treatment
Rationale: Optimizing medication absorption and minimizing interactions.
- Take medication on an empty stomach. Food can be taken 15-20 minutes later to reduce gastric distress.
- Avoid taking
Opioids and NSAIDs: Mechanisms, Actions, and Effects
Opioids: Neuroanatomic Basis of Pain
Pain stimulus, receptors, thermoreceptors, mechano, chemo, polymodal. Nerve fibers – A, C – SNC.
State of inhibition or suppression of pain without loss of sensory capacity; consciousness is unaltered.
Endogenous Opioid System
- Peptides endogenous antigens: proopiomelacortina derived from the proenkephalin and the prodynorphin.
- Widely distributed in the body.
Opioid Receptors
Mu (?), kappa (k), sigma (or), and delta (A) receptor subtypes exist. Present in CNS,
Read MorePediatric Kidney Conditions: Pyelonephritis, Cystitis, Nephrotic Syndrome, PSGN
Pyelonephritis: Diagnosis and Treatment
Diagnostic Criteria:
- Fever >38°C
- Pyuria (>5-10 WBC)
- Bacteriuria >105 CFU/ml
- Signs of bacterial infection in blood test (leukocytosis, CRP >20mg/l)
- Abdominal or flank tenderness
- Abnormalities in kidney ultrasound
- Gentamicin 7 days (not longer). After antibacterial sensitivity testing, other antibiotics should be continued for 10-14 days.
- Cefuroxime (second generation cephalosporin) 10-14 days.
- Amoxicillin alone is not recommended.
- If the fever has
NSAIDs, Glucocorticoids, and Immunosuppressants: Side Effects and Patient Care
Side Effects of NSAIDs
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can cause a range of side effects, particularly affecting the gastrointestinal and renal systems.
Gastrointestinal System
- Dyspepsia
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Ulcers and potential hemorrhagic risk with chronic use
Renal System
- Renal involvement/nephrotoxicity
- Renal failure may occur after years of chronic abuse
- Bronchospasm
- Rashes
- Other allergic-type reactions
Drug Interactions: Anticoagulants and Flu Medications
Individuals taking anticoagulants
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