Airline Safety and Safety Management Systems (SMS)
Airline Roles in Aviation Safety and Safety Management Systems (SMS)
Airlines and Safety: The Relationship
- Identify and control safety problems.
- Good safety is essential to a healthy company.
- Effective safety programs can be directly linked to good airline management.
Historical Involvement of Airlines
- Early airlines created safety committees.
- Caused formation of the US government aviation accident investigation agency (now NTSB).
- Traditionally approached safety as a normal product of good management.
- Airlines
English Exercises: Verb Tenses and Comparisons
Section 1
- is boarding
- doesn’t work
- is she going
- doesn’t believe
- is having
- do you prefer
- are shopping
- arrives
- need
- do you think
Section 2
- been
- since
- left
- is downloading
- already
- ‘re sitting
- for
- ‘re picking
- just
- Have you heard
Section 3
- b) more expensive
- a) as fast
- c) less difficult
- c) the quickest
- b) better
Section 4
- more
- as
- the
- the (country)
- as
Section 1
- is boarding
- doesn’t work
- is she going
- doesn’t believe
- is having
- do you prefer
- are shopping
- arrives
- need
- do you think
Section 2
- been
- since
- left
- is downloading
- already
- ‘re sitting
- for
- ‘re picking
- just
- Have
VHDL Code Examples: Unit Control HLSM and Button Press FSM
Unit Control HLSM
library IEEE;
entity UnitControl_HLSM is
port (clk, rst : in std_logic;
c : in std_logic;
A : in unsigned(7 downto 0);
z : out std_logic);
end UnitControl_HLSM;
architecture Behavior of UnitControl_HLSM is
type UC_statetype is (UC_Init, UC_GetInput, UC_UnitOn);
variable UC_State : UC_statetype;
variable V : unsigned(7 downto 0);
Architectural Groups: Design Philosophies and Approaches
Group 1: Sensory and Experiential Design
- Zaha Hadid: “Sensory Explorers” – A group dedicated to creating immersive and unconventional architectural experiences, exploring the intersection of nature, emotion, and quality of life.
- Herzog and de Meuron: “Nature-inspired Sensations” – A group focused on integrating artistic approaches and colors into architecture, creating unique sensory experiences that draw inspiration from nature and context.
- SANAA: “Transparent Parks” – A group committed to creating
R Programming Fundamentals and Statistical Analysis
R Basics
Help and Function Documentation
Installing Packages in R
Loading Packages
z <- findFn({'Control Charts'})
findFn('Control Charts')
Visualization of Historical Commands
Important Data Types
a <- c(1,2,3)
b <- c(4,6,8)
Mean Calculation (1)
omean <- function(v) {
m <- mean(v)
ifelse(, 0, m)
Mean Calculation (2)
VHDL Examples: Muxes, Decoders, Comparators
VHDL Code for a 2-to-1 Mux
LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY mux2to1 IS PORT ( w0, w1, s : IN STD_LOGIC; f : OUT STD_LOGIC ); END mux2to1; ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF mux2to1 IS BEGIN WITH s SELECT f <= w0 WHEN '0', w1 WHEN OTHERS; END Behavior;
VHDL Using Conditional Signal Assignments
LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY mux2to1 IS PORT ( w0, w1, s : IN STD_LOGIC; f : OUT STD_LOGIC ); END mux2to1;Read More