Solace in the Night: Existentialism in a Spanish Café

Existential Themes in a Late-Night Café

The story’s focus is shared between the old man, the older waiter, and the younger waiter. The older waiter, however, serves as the primary figure, reflecting the themes of loneliness and existential need.

Setting and Atmosphere

The story is set in a small café late at night. This is inferred through the quiet atmosphere, the waiters’ dialogue, and the old man drinking alone.

Core Conflict

The conflict is between the old man’s loneliness and the younger waiter’

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Caravaggio’s Artistic Evolution: Light, Emotion, and Innovation

Caravaggio’s Artistic Evolution

In Leonardo’s style (arm straight and stone in his hand), the psychological impact is evident. The concentration is in his martyrdom, where light illuminates the figure against a black background. There are two openings: the leg leading to the mantle, and the mantle going to the skull, and then to the head of St. Jerome. Currently, both paintings are attributed to Caravaggio.

Last Stage of Caravaggio

Caravaggio’s later years, from 1600 to 1606, represent a dual existence.

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Caravaggio’s Masterpieces: Interpreting Light, Emotion, and Faith

Caravaggio’s Masterpieces: A Study in Light and Emotion

Caravaggio’s art is deeply individualized. His works, particularly those depicting the Works of Mercy, draw heavily from the Gospel of St. Matthew (25:35-46), which speaks of the final judgment and salvation based on acts of compassion: feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, welcoming the stranger, clothing the naked, caring for the sick, and visiting the imprisoned. Caravaggio interprets these passages through compelling characters

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Advertising: Types, Functions, and Language Techniques

Advertising: An Overview

Advertising is a characteristic feature of industrial societies, serving as a key component of the market. It involves the dissemination of information about products and services, typically financed wholly or partly through communication efforts. Its widespread presence grants it significant social and cultural influence.

Advertising can be defined as a social system that utilizes various means of mass communication and employs a range of techniques aimed at persuading a

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Public Speaking Exam 2: Key Concepts and Strategies

Exam 2: Public Speaking Concepts

1. Citing Sources: Why It Matters

  • Avoid accusations of plagiarism
  • Boost your credibility
  • Give your audience access to more information

2. Benefits of Visual Aids

  • Increase listener understanding
  • Improve memory and recall
  • Help audience organize information
  • Increase persuasive impact

3. Types of Visual Aids

Real people, objects, models, photographs, graphs, charts, drawings, maps, handouts, videos, DVDs, PowerPoint, computer-generated graphics, music.

4. Informative Speech Material


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Spanish Narrative Evolution: 19th to 20th Century

Previous Narrative to 1936

1. Renovation of Theatre: The 19th-century novel reflected a stable conception of the world and aimed to provide an orderly and coherent picture of reality. In the 20th century, insecurity led to stories of anguish and subjectivism. Features:

  • Abandonment of the orderly and linear structure of Realism.
  • The modern novel rests on a single character that represents the aspirations of Modernism Regenerationists.
  • The Novel abounds in German.
  • Descriptions are based on a realistic
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