Ancient Greek Architecture and Theater

Major Events

The Temple

The temple, the most important building in Greek architecture, housed the statue of a deity. Its size wasn’t large unless the statue itself was. The ideal ratio was 100 feet long (32-33 meters) in proportion to height and width.

The exterior, designed like a large statue, followed sculptural laws.

Harmony optics: The entablature and stylobate (top step) curved inward, with the greatest width at the corner columns to avoid an appearance of weakness and unequal distance between

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Understanding Media, Information Society, and Digital Evolution

Public Media

Holding institutions and government accountable

Helping citizens to engage with the democratic debate

Contributing to healthy circulation of information

Associating news brands with free media

Strengthening the social fabric

Globally entertaining and connecting citizens

The Information Society, Chapter 2

Definition: A form of society characterized by the importance of production and management of information and knowledge. Technologies for the production, manipulation, and communication of

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Federico García Lorca’s Theatrical Evolution

Dramatic creation was a constant interest for Lorca. We can divide the evolution of his theater into three phases:

  • Early works (first dramatic experiences in the 1920s)
  • Avant-garde experiences (early 1930s)
  • The height of his career (his last years, which remain the copyright of his major works)

Lorca’s Early Plays

Lorca began his dramatic career with the play The Butterfly’s Evil Spell, which was a juvenile trial released in 1920. It was a failure. It is a work of symbolist roots in which we already

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Understanding Semantics, Baroque Art, and Spanish Literature

Understanding Semantics and the Baroque Period

1. Semantics: The Study of Word Meaning

Words are linguistic signs composed of two elements conventionally associated: the signifier (expression, sound string) and the signified (content).

2. The Meaning of Words

  • Denotation: Objective meaning, as found in a dictionary.
  • Connotation: Subjective meaning, derived from associations with other meanings and emotional values added to denotative meanings.

3. Semantic Change

Semantic change is the process by which words

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Romanesque vs. Gothic Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture

Comparison of Romanesque and Gothic Painting

Romanesque painting primarily appeared on ships and walls. However, at the time, independent *Gothic* books began appearing in shop windows, along with miniature paintings. Instead of two seasons, the same end remained, just about.

In Romanesque art, unique techniques could be *al fresco* (on fresh plaster) or on wood. Drawings often featured a thick black line to mark the outline. In contrast, Gothic art shows a finer drawing, with more value given

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Portico de la Gloria: Cathedral of Santiago Masterpiece

Portico de la Gloria: A Romanesque Masterpiece

The Portico de la Gloria is a construction based on three arches, the central one being the highest. Its iconography is based on the Apocalypse of St. John. The tympanum in the great central arch features Christ in Majesty surrounded by the Tetramorph. In addition, there are a series of angels with instruments of the Passion: the column, the cross, the crown of thorns, the four nails and the spear, a parchment (Pilate’s sentence), a pitcher (washing

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