Spanish Avant-Garde Movements and Literary Figures
León Felipe and Juan Ramón Jiménez
León Felipe is a special case for his stance, invariably outside the dehumanized war poetry. When reaching its tone, it becomes more heated, more intense, violent, and prophetic. Later, in exile, his voice is sorrowful, between cursing and praying. Juan Ramón Jiménez (JRJ) is related to Novecentismo. In Madrid, he is enriched with the mentality of the Free Institution of Education, meets the various intellectual movements of the time, and enhances his friendship
Read MoreArt Movements: Fauvism, Expressionism, Cubism & More
Fauvism, which originated in Paris in 1905, was characterised by its distorted perspective and bright colours. This means that shapes and colours do not necessarily correspond to the objects’ true shapes or colours but reflect the artist’s subjective vision.
Expressionism was a movement originally in painting that focused on the expression of feelings and emotions. The use of broken lines, curved and angular shapes, and vivid, contrasting colours reflected the existential angst
Understanding Journalistic Text: Structure, Purpose, and Types
Understanding Journalistic Text
Journalistic texts, found in media like newspapers, radio, television, and the internet, present information in a way that allows readers to selectively access and read content in any order. The structure of this information follows a compositional principle, dividing content into sections such as news, features, stories, and interviews. These sections are often organized by relevance, highlighting the most important news through prominent placement (e.g., front page)
Read MoreJoan Miró’s Dutch Interiors & De Kooning’s Women
Joan Miró’s Dutch Interiors
Document Genesis
- Chronology: 1928
- Style: Surrealism
- Technique: Oil
- Support: Canvas
- Dimensions: 92cm x 73cm
- Location: Museum of Modern Art, New York
Historical Context
Surrealism, an artistic movement, appeared in the early twenties around André Breton. As an intellectual movement, Surrealism aimed to perform a full revolution. As a result of studying Freud, the Surrealists tried to reflect a more authentic reality through the expression of the unconscious.
Read MoreVocabulary Themes: Holidays, Relationships, Crime, and More
- Sleepover
- Nightgown
- Frightening
- America
- Pilgrims
- Colonizers
- Fled religious prosecution
- Native Americans
- Feast
- Centerpiece
- Carved
- Grinch (stubborn)
- Stare
- Frown
- Scarce
- Horn
- Mistletoe
In-Flight Safety
- Seatbelts
- Emergency exit
- Oxygen mask
- Adjust
- Inflate
- Electronic devices
- Table tray
- Safety instructions manual
Social Dynamics
- Goth
- Emo
- Cheerleader
- Slacker
- Jock
- Nerd
- Mean girl
Crime and Justice
Murder & Crime
- Inspector
- Break the law
- Investigation
- Case
- Fingerprints
- Footprints
- Evidence
- Follow
- Identify
- Inquest
- Strangle
- Fraud
- Arrest
- Court
- Lawyer
- Prove
- Verdict
- Tip
- Budget
- Mortgage
- Utilities
- Brand
- Living
Masaccio, Di Banco, Del Castagno, and Lippi Art
Masaccio’s *Crucifixion of Pisa*
Individualized figures are defined and given different expressions, in a simplified way and without going into excessive detail. For example, the hands of Thomas are very simple, and the head of St. Peter is very round. These figures are not anatomically perfect, but it does not matter. The volume of the figures is achieved through the modeling of shadows. The work was interrupted by Masolino’s trip to Hungary.
Altarpiece: *Crucifixion of Pisa***
The altarpiece was