Impressionism and the Palace of Versailles: Art and History
Impressionism: A 19th Century Artistic Revolution
In the 19th century, there was a radical change in art. It went from the artist who followed the rules (the Academy) to the one that broke them. The artists who transformed art were the rejected ones of the official Salons.
Gustave Courbet (1819-1877)
His paintings were rejected from the Universal Exhibition of Paris in 1855. He decided to open a “Pavillon du Realisme” to show his works. His style represents reality but without the romantic emotion
Read MoreMasterpieces of Art History: From Realism to Feminist Art
Gustave Courbet, The Stone Breakers, 1849, Realism
The Stone Breakers highlights the mindless, repetitive nature of physical labor without any idealization.
Henry Ossawa Tanner, The Banjo Lesson, Realism
What beliefs of this artist are reflected in the painting? A Black man with a banjo was used as a stereotype in American culture.
Hokusai, Great Wave of Kanagawa, from 36 Views of Mount Fuji, Japan
Woodcut printing; Ukiyo-e. What style of painting influenced this? Edo Period of Japanese prints.
Read MoreSignage and Advertising: Effective Visual Communication
The Signage and its Functions
Signage guides individuals in their itineraries and offers services. Signage is a part of social communication science that is responsible for studying information visually through guidance signs in relation to space. It studies the functionality of these indicators and the behavior of individuals. It constitutes an instantaneous visual language, automatic and universal. Its goal is to meet the needs and guidance of individuals’ information.
Signage Design
In signage design,
Read MoreSpanish Literary Movements: 19th and 20th Centuries
Noucentisme and Avant-Garde
In Spain, the group of Modernist writers is called Noucentisme or the Generation of ’98. Its components are characterized by their European orientation and by their conception of art as an activity separate from the social and political. During the early decades of the 20th century, various artistic movements emerged in Europe, called Avant-Garde, breaking radically with the themes and expressive techniques of Romanticism and Realism. The Noucentistes connected easily
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Catalan Romanesque Architecture
Sant Climent de Taüll, along with San Martin de Canigó, Sant Pere de Rodes, and San Vicente de Cardona, represents the best of Catalan Romanesque architecture. These three churches feature crypts, an element that coexists with an aisle in the case of Sant Pere de Rodes, marking the first aisle of the Romanesque Peninsula. They showcase strong, classical, massive barrel vaults overlapping and resting on a plinth. San Vicente de Cardona also revives early Christian
Read MoreGalician Narrative: Xosé Neira Vilas, Carlos Casares, Alfredo Conde, Xavier Alcalá, and Victor F. Freixanes
Xosé Neira Vilas (1928)
Xosé Neira Vilas (1928): A non-manifesto of renovating NRTIs. His work concentrates on the tragedies of the Civil War and postwar times. His characters face conflicts with the established order, their oppressors, or similar figures. Four core narratives revolve around the world of rural life:
- Memories of a Laborer
- Letters to Weep
- From Monk to Those Years
, not included in the volume The Loop. He offers a perception of the world from a rural perspective. The author reconstructs
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