English Vocabulary: Transportation, Technology, Emotions, Global Warming, Crime, and Animals
Modal Verbs
- Have to (external obligation)
- Must (internal obligation)
- Don’t have to / needn’t (lack of obligation)
- Mustn’t
- Can’t
- Should (suggestion)
- Ought to (formal suggestion, rarely used)
- Mustn’t (99% sure something is not true)
- Can or Might (60% possibility)
- May (20% possibility, improbable)
- Can
- Could
- To be able to
- Can
- May
- Might (very formal)
Past Habit
- Used to
Car and Transportation Vocabulary
- Wheels
- Steering Wheel
- Boot (UK) / Trunk (US)
- Engine
- Brake
- Accelerator
- Clutch
- Reverse
Understanding English Intonation: Patterns and Functions
Tones in English Intonation
- Level: A level tone is used in certain restricted contexts. It conveys the feeling of saying something routine, uninteresting, or boring.
- Fall: A falling tone is usually regarded as neutral. When we use the falling tone, we understand that there is nothing more to be said, or it conveys the sense of completion.
- Rise: The rising tone gives the impression that something more is to follow. It is like an invitation to continue or to express readiness to give more information.
Event Management: Roles, Skills, and Planning Essentials
What Do Event Managers Do?
The role of the organizer varies depending on the type of event involved.
Typical Work Activities Include:
- Researching markets to identify opportunities for events.
- Liaising with clients to find out their requirements.
- Selecting venues.
- Planning room layouts.
- Coordinating caterers, stand designers, contractors, and equipment hire.
- Organizing facilities for car parking, security, first aid, hospitality area, and the media.
- Ensuring insurance coverage.
- Preparing delegate packs and
Aura Reading: Unveiling the Colors of Human Energy
How to See and Read Auras
By Dr. Tom J. Chalko MSc, Ph.D.
There is nothing “paranormal” in the Universe, except our limited understanding of Nature. What we think we “know” on Earth now is just a small drop in the Ocean of Wisdom. In the distant past, people admired things they could not explain and called them “miracles.” Long ago, people were able to see auras. Advanced spiritual people such as Buddha, Christ, and his immediate disciples were painted with golden haloes around their heads
Read MoreEssential Irregular Verbs for English Learners
Mastering Irregular Verbs
Essential List for English Learners
- Go/Went/Gone: Ir
- Grow/Grew/Grown: Cultivar, Crecer
- Hang/Hung/Hung: Colgar
- Have/Had/Had: Haber, Tener
- Hear/Heard/Heard: Oir
- Hide/Hid/Hidden: Esconder
- Hit/Hit/Hit: Golpear
- Hold/Held/Held: Sostener
- Hurt/Hurt/Hurt: DaƱar
- Keep/Kept/Kept: Guardar
- Know/Knew/Known: Saber, Conocer
- Lay/Laid/Laid: Poner
- Lead/Led/Led: Conducir
- Learn/Learnt/Learned/Learnt/Learned: Aprender
- Leave/Left/Left: Dejar
- Lend/Lent/Lent: Prestar
Catalan Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting: A Detailed Analysis
Catalan Architecture
Catalonia marked the creation of a border territory in the Carolingian Empire. The situation weakened dependencies in 985 when Mansur sacked Barcelona and created a dynasty. The ancient part of the MRCA is the hipnoica cnde frma d bcn. 11th century > autochthonous style. Summary: Carolingian, Visigothic, and Islamic influences. Example: Monastery of St. Herod. Height superposition through central columns. Nave with barrel arches. Lombard style follows the Cluny order. Crews
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