Catalan Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting: A Detailed Analysis

Catalan Architecture

Catalonia marked the creation of a border territory in the Carolingian Empire. The situation weakened dependencies in 985 when Mansur sacked Barcelona and created a dynasty. The ancient part of the MRCA is the hipnoica cnde frma d bcn. 11th century > autochthonous style. Summary: Carolingian, Visigothic, and Islamic influences. Example: Monastery of St. Herod. Height superposition through central columns. Nave with barrel arches. Lombard style follows the Cluny order. Crews

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Gothic Art and Architecture: Styles and Evolution

Gothic: Sociological Factors

  • Change in mentality
  • Study of Aristotle, abandoning Platonic ideas, experimentation, and observation
  • New religious orders, especially Franciscans, with Saint Francis of Assisi, who retrieved the love of nature and animals
  • Gothic joined the Cistercian order, which required no luxuries
  • Emergence of the bourgeoisie

Architectural Characteristics

  • Predominance of mass
  • Vertical dominance
  • Disproportionate buildings
  • Celestial Jerusalem
  • Reassessment of light
  • Preference for marble
  • Medium-sized
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Literary and Art Movements: Genres, Figures, and Principles

Literary Language

Lyrical Genre

  • Epic: It tells the stories of great events that have happened to the main character.
  • Drama: Plays written through dialogue and meant to be represented. In them the author creates many conflicts.

Lyrical Subgenres

  • Ode: A lyrical composition in verse about a noble topic.
  • Hymn: A solemn composition that deals with patriotic feelings, as well as religious or war-themed.
  • Elegy: A composition that expresses feelings of pain when faced with disgrace.
  • Eclogue: A poetic composition
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Brand Building: Key Elements and Strategies

Product vs. Brand

Product: Anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or need, including physical goods, services, experiences, events, persons, places, information, etc.

Brand: Is the idea or image people have in mind when thinking about specific products, services and actions of a company, both in a practical and emotional way. A product can be easily copied, but a brand will always be UNIQUE. If you want to create a strong brand, identify what makes you special.

The Essence of a

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SQL Commands, Functions, Procedures, and Triggers

SQL Commands

User Management

  • Create user nombre_user@localhost;
  • SELECT user FROM user;
  • GRANT ALL ON nombre_BD.* TO nombre_user@localhost;
  • GRANT UPDATE, SELECT, INSERT ON nombre_BD.* TO nombre_user@localhost;
  • REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES, GRANT OPTION FROM ‘nombre_user’@’localhost’;
  • DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user = ‘nombre_user’;

Database Operations

  • USE nombre_BD;
  • DROP DATABASE nombre_BD;

Table Operations

  • DESCRIBE nombre; //Details of the table
  • DROP TABLE nombre_
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Media’s Role in Shaping Society and Nationalism in Israel

Media’s Role in Shaping Society

Definition: A fixed arrangement that organizes relations between social roles, guided by rules and norms of its own. It is a key concept of the structural-functional theory, which sees society as composed of various institutions that play different roles.

Definition: A fixed arrangement that organizes the relations between social roles.

Importance: Informs us of relevant information and keeps us up to date.

Factors that shape it: Other institutions, geographical features,

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