Catalan Literature: Renaissance to Modernism


1) For the romanticism that favored the emergence of the Renaissance?

Because their preference for popular poetry, his exaltation and defense of the personality and the freedom of peoples, was a time when the Renaissance were more field conducive to raise their problems and where historic Catalan literature had its classics.

2) What other factors influenced the emergence and development of the Renaissance?

demographic expansion and improvement of farming techniques produced the first capital

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Textual Properties: Narrative, Expository, and Argumentative Texts

Descriptive Text

Painting made with words. It distinguishes the technical description from the objective or subjective description of a landscape, an object, a person, an animal, time, feelings, etc., with an aesthetic function.

Procedures and Features

  • Verb forms: The most commonly used are the present and the imperfect past.
  • Names predominate over verbs.
  • Many nouns (widely adjectival) and adjectives stimulate the senses, complementing substantive information with expressive nuance. Epithets.
  • Attributive
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Michelangelo’s David: A Renaissance Masterpiece

Michelangelo’s David

Match of the Work

This 4.10-meter tall figurative marble sculpture depicts a nude male body in all its perfection and beauty. The composition follows a zigzag line, starting with the tense, clenched hands and watchful eyes, moving up to the concentrated face with a smile and a hint of anger, framed by voluminous hair. The right leg supports the body’s weight, balancing the left leg’s forward position, initiating movement. The tense muscles, prominent arteries, and vibrant tendons

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Introduction to Linguistics: Signs, Language, and Communication

Signs and Meaning

Signs are realities we perceive through our senses, conveying meaning. They consist of two elements:

  • Signifier: A fact perceived by the senses, associated in the mind with another reality.
  • Signified: The meaning evoked by the signifier.

Kinds of Signs

  • Icons: Signs resembling the reality they represent.
  • Symbols: Signs representing social, cultural, or religious concepts.
  • Symptoms/Signs: Natural phenomena that unintentionally suggest something.

Characteristics of Linguistic Signs

  • Conventional:
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Journalistic Genres: A Comprehensive Guide

Journalistic Genres

Information Genres


News stories offer objective and impersonal accounts of recent events, typically answering the questions: who, what, where, when, why, and how. They vary in length and usually follow a structure consisting of a headline, introduction (lead), and body. The body presents information in paragraphs of decreasing importance.


Reports provide more in-depth and comprehensive information than news stories. They involve journalistic investigation, including

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Analysis of Les Demoiselles d’Avignon & The Scream

Les Demoiselles d’Avignon by Pablo Picasso


Figurative oil painting on canvas, 2.43 x 2.33 m.


The work depicts an interior scene with five nude female figures. The women are arranged in a shallow space, lacking depth. Their bodies are fragmented and distorted, with bulging eyes that convey a sense of sadness. Picasso’s fascination with primitive sculpture is evident in the figures’ forms.

Thematic Content

The initial idea for the work was a realistic depiction of a brothel scene,

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