Art Techniques Glossary: From Acrylic to Woodcut


Painting technique using pigment made from plastic (polyester) mixed with latex. Acrylic colors are opaque and quick-drying, offering smooth, bright, and luminous surfaces.


Painting technique on paper or cardboard, characterized by transparency. Pigment is diluted in water and bound with a soft gum, such as gum arabic. White is achieved through the transparency of the paper.


Apparatus using compressed air to spray paint or varnish on canvas, boards, cards, etc.



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Realism and Naturalism in Literature


Realism, an art movement influenced by positivism, emerged as a reaction against Romanticism. It aimed to depict reality accurately, focusing on everyday life and social issues. Key influences include:

  • Positivism: Emphasizes empirical observation and experience as the basis of knowledge.
  • Evolutionism: Highlights natural selection and the struggle for existence.
  • Marxism: Analyzes societal structures and class struggles.

Features of Realism

  • Faithful reproduction of life and society.
  • Objective narration
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Spanish Literary Movements: Novecento and Avant-Garde

Novecento: The Generation of 1914

Novecento opposed everything from the previous century. Key figures include Ortega y Gasset, Azaña, Marañón, and Pérez de Ayala. Also known as the Generation of 1914, coinciding with World War I. Artists were professionals (philosophers, scientists, linguists). Key features:

  • Rationalism: Objective analysis and clarity, rejecting Modernist irrationalism.
  • Anti-romanticism: Preference for the classic over the sentimental.
  • Pure Art: Art for aesthetic pleasure, not personal
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Monet & Cézanne: Impressionism to Neo-Impressionism

Impression, Sunrise

Author: Oscar Claude Monet

Date: 1872

Museum: Museum of Paris Marmottan

Features: 47 x 64 cm

Material: Oil on canvas

Style: Impressionism

In 19th-century France, the official channel for painters was the Paris Motor Show, linked to the School of Fine Arts. A prestigious jury selected the submitted works. The 1863 scandal, sparked by Manet’s Breakfast on the Grass, led to the creation of the Salon des Refusés, which gained popularity among young artists seeking to exhibit modern works.

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19th-Century Realism and Naturalism in Spanish Literature

19th-Century Realism and Naturalism


The 19th-century Realism movement championed the accurate and truthful depiction of reality. Its key features include reflecting reality as it is, employing investigative techniques, and using the novel as a primary medium. Realism often contextualizes the work within contemporary society, utilizes an objective point of view, presents believable character actions, and critiques the prevailing social situation.


Naturalism, an evolution of Realism

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Analyzing Key Art Movements Through Iconic Paintings

The Shootings of May 3rd, Goya (Early 19th Century)

Spanish Painting, Neoclassical Period with Romanticism elements.

Goya anticipates contemporary art and expressionism, depicting the horrors of war. This painting, part of a series on the war of independence against Napoleonic France, portrays the execution of Spanish rebels on May 3, 1808. It’s a powerful protest against conflict and human suffering.

Composition: Four distinct groups – the firing squad, those awaiting death, the central figure raising

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