Distinctively Visual Elements in Literature and Film
Composers utilize distinctively visual elements to expose unique experiences to their audiences. Distinctively visual qualities lie in the capability to convey a powerful response. Through the use of visual and language techniques, composers effectively communicate their ideas and concepts, positioning both positive and negative responses in their audiences. The Australian writer Henry Lawson exposes distinctively visual elements through many of his short stories. ‘The Drover’s Wife’ creates
Read MoreA Comprehensive Guide to Literary Movements and Their Impact
A Journey Through Literary Movements: From Medieval Times to Modernity
What is Literature?
Literature is the art of expressing ideas and emotions through language. It involves communication between a sender (the author) and a receiver (the reader or listener). The message, conveyed through a chosen channel (oral or written), is shaped by the context of its creation, including social and historical circumstances.
Key Elements of Literary Texts
- Message: The core idea or theme of the text, often with a
A Comprehensive Guide to Literary Movements and Their Impact
A Journey Through Literary Movements: From Medieval Times to Modernity
Understanding Literature: The Art of Language
Literature is the art of expressing ideas and emotions through language. Literary texts serve as a form of communication between a sender (the author) and a receiver (the reader or listener). The message conveyed in a literary text is characterized by its poetic function and subjective nature.
The elements that contribute to the creation and reception of a literary text include:
- Sender:
Distinctive Visual Elements in Literature and Film
Composers utilize distinctive visual elements to expose unique experiences to their audiences. Distinctive visual qualities lie in the capability to convey a powerful response. Through the use of visual and language techniques, composers effectively communicate their ideas and concepts, positioning both positive and negative responses in their audiences. The Australian writer Henry Lawson exposes distinctively visual elements through many of his short stories. ‘The Drover’s Wife’ creates a
Read MoreFeminist Theory: A Comprehensive Guide to Key Concepts and Figures
Chapter 6 – Feminism
Wollstonecraft – A vindication of the rights of women (1792)
Virgina Woolf – A room of ones own (1929)
Mary Ellmanns – Thinking about women (1968)
Kate Millet – Sexual Politics (1970)
Toril Moi – Images of women [feminist literary criticism, norweigan]
The Indian Gayatri Chaktrovrty Spivak – Critique
Alison Bechdel – Dykes to watch out for [comic strip]
Simone de Beauvoir – The Second Sex (1949) [french philosopher]
Gayle Rubin – Sex/Gender System (1975)
Baroque Painting in Spain: A Comprehensive Guide to Key Artists and Movements
The seventeenth century represents the peak period of Spanish painting.
It is interesting to note how the political and economic decline coincided with a surge of great artistic and spiritual transcendence. Spain then had two great artistic centers: Madrid and Seville, but there are other smaller nuclei resonance as Valencia, Córdoba, Granada, etc.. Of the three currents that are developed in the seventeenth century European painting (naturalism, classicism and Baroque