Text Types, Properties, and Linguistic Features

Text: Definition and Properties

A text is the result of the verbal activity of an issuer in a particular communicative context and with a specific communicative intention. From the linguistic elements of the text and the context, we recognize the communicative intention of the author, which allows us to interpret the meaning of the text.

Types of Generators and Text Genres

We call text types the forms of expression, structure, and linguistic features that appear with the issuer’s communicative intention.

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Understanding Text: Properties, Structure, and Linguistic Elements

Understanding Text: Properties, Structure, and Linguistic Elements

The text is the maximum communication unit, consisting of the deliberate release of statements orally or in writing, in a concrete communicative situation for a particular purpose. The text consists of a structured set of statements and has a variable extension. It is made from various levels of organization: it has a semantic structure, a syntactic structure, and finally, a communication structure. For a text to be considered as

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Understanding Different Types of Listening for Effective Communication

Types of Listening

Here are six types of listening, starting with basic discrimination of sounds and ending in deep communication.

Discriminative Listening

Discriminative listening is the most basic type of listening, whereby the difference between different sounds is identified. If you cannot hear differences, then you cannot make sense of the meaning that is expressed by such differences. We learn to discriminate between sounds within our own language early, and later are unable to discriminate between

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Text Properties: Cohesion, Coherence, and Discourse Analysis

Text Properties

Text fitness refers to the characteristics of well-constructed texts from a communication perspective. Consistency is an inherent property from a semantic standpoint. Cohesion is the syntactic manifestation of coherence.

Function of language fitness: Texts are predominantly referential, expressive, or appealing. The choice depends on the issuer’s communicative intention. An appropriate choice of communication channel is conditioned by the situation, as is the code. The communicative

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Audiovisual Syntax: Editing, Continuity, and Lighting Techniques

Audiovisual Syntax – Editing

-Metric montage is generated through the juxtaposition of shots containing different lengths of shot. Contrast emerges from the duration of shots.

-Rhythmic montage is the movement within the frame that impels the montage movement from frame to frame. Contrast emerges from what’s inside the frame. Whereas metric and rhythmic montage are relatively easy to grasp, the concepts tonal, overtonal, and intellectual are more abstract ones.

-Tonal montage essentially refers to

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