Synchronous Motors: Types, Operation, and Control
Synchronous Motor Construction
Synchronous motors are very similar to alternators. They run at synchronous speed and remain stationary. The speed can be varied by changing the supply frequency because the synchronous speed (Ns) = 120f/P. Due to the unavailability of economical variable frequency sources, this method of control was not used in the past, and they were mainly used for constant speed applications. The development of semiconductor variable frequency sources, such as inverters and cycloconverters,
Read MoreAC Machines: Synchronous and Induction Motors Explained
AC Machines: Types and Differences with DC
AC machines encompass synchronous motors and generators, where the inductor winding’s current requirement is provided by a DC source independent of the machine. The induction machine is primarily used as a motor, and the inductor winding current is supplied through magnetic induction.
Key differences between AC and DC machines include:
- The location of the induction and induced coils differs depending on the type of machine.
- In AC machines, there is no electrical
Eccentric Fractional Winding: Characteristics and Principles
Eccentric Fractional Winding Characteristics
Differentiating Characteristics of Eccentric Fractional Winding: A coil is considered fractional if the number of groups results in a non-integer value. In this case, all groups in the winding will be equal. However, if the number of coils per group is fractional, groups will be uneven and distributed around the periphery of the stator, with a repetition of the groups. These windings are generally used when changing from one polarity to another on the
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