Cereal Grains: Composition, Properties, and Processing

Cereal Grains: Composition and Properties

Grasses: Cereals are cultivated grasses; members of the monocotyledonous family Poaceae. Do not confuse them with pulses, from legumes. Fruit (grain) is developed after pollination. Pseudo-cereals: quinoa, amaranth.

Cereal Grain Structure

Embryo: 2 to 10%; embryonic axis (EA) and scutellum (S). EA: primordial roots and shoots with leaf initials. S: a secretory and absorptive organ; means to connect with endosperm; hormones and enzymes during germination. Plumule

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Understanding Chemical Hazards and R-Phrases

Explosion Risks

  • R1: Explosive when dry.
  • R2: Risk of explosion by shock, friction, fire, or other sources of ignition.
  • R3: Extreme risk of explosion by shock, friction, fire, or other sources of ignition.
  • R4: Forms very sensitive explosive metallic compounds.
  • R5: Heating may cause an explosion.
  • R6: Explosive with or without contact with air.
  • R9: Explosive when mixed with combustible material.
  • R44: Risk of explosion if heated under confinement.

Flammability Risks

  • R7: May cause fire.
  • R8: Contact with combustible
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Drug Elimination Pathways and Therapeutic Concepts

Drug Elimination Pathways

Renal elimination is the main route of drug elimination, occurring through several kidney excretion mechanisms.

Enterohepatic Recirculation (Biliary Excretion)

Some drugs are excreted through the bile, which is released into the duodenum to emulsify fats during digestion.

Pulmonary Elimination

The respiratory mucosa can eliminate substances, especially volatile ones, such as volatile anesthetics and alcohol.

Elimination Through Glands

Elimination through glands, particularly the

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Small Molecule Interactions & Peptidomimetic Design

Small Molecule Interactions with Biomolecules

  • H-Bonds
  • Pi-pi-interaction
  • Electrostatic interaction
  • Hydrophobic interaction

Peptide Drawbacks as Drug Candidates

  1. Major drawbacks of peptides as drug candidates:
    • Biologically unstable
    • Poorly absorbed
    • Rapidly metabolized
    • Poor pharmacokinetics
    • Poor transport properties
    • Rapid excretion

Drawbacks of peptides: bioavailability and pharmacokinetics.

  1. Suggest three ways to improve the pharmacokinetic properties of peptidomimetics.

Peptidomimetics: Mimicking Peptides

A peptidomimetic

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Advanced Drug Delivery Systems: Mechanisms, Technologies, and Challenges

Advanced Drug Delivery Systems

The major obstacles for efficient transport to the site of action are enzymatic degradation and biological membranes.

Antioxidant substances (AS) are added to medicaments because the oxidation process is supposed to act first on the AS, then on the active ingredient.

The role of the drug delivery system is to allow the effective, safe, and reliable application of the drug to the patient.

Mechanisms of Drug Release Control

  1. Diffusion-controlled release
  2. Dissolution-controlled
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Understanding Drug Interactions: Effects, Antagonism, and Absorption

Understanding Drug Interactions

General Effects of Drug Interactions

In many instances, drugs or substances are administered concomitantly with the aim of achieving a better therapeutic effect through interaction. An example of this search for beneficial effects through interaction mechanisms is the use of antagonists to displace a toxin from a receptor and reverse poisoning. However, the consequences of the interaction can be harmful or toxic if they render a necessary drug ineffective.

Types of Antagonism


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