Insurance Marketing Systems: Agency, Non-Agency, Direct

Insurance Marketing Systems

Types of Marketing Systems:

  1. Agency Building System: A system where an insurer builds its own agency by recruiting, financing, training, and supervising new agents.
  2. New agents represent the insurer.
  3. Types:
  4. General Agency System: The general agent is an independent contractor representing only one insurer.

– In charge of a territory and responsible for recruiting, training, and motivating new agents.

– Receives a commission based on the amount of business produced.


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Spain’s GDP per Capita Growth: 1939-1973

Economic Evolution During the Franco Era

This simple line graph illustrates the evolution of an economic indicator, GDP per capita, in Spain from 1939 to 1973, encompassing most of the Franco dictatorship. GDP per capita represents the value of the production of goods and services in relation to the number of inhabitants. The horizontal axis displays the years, in two-year increments, while the vertical axis represents GDP per capita in 1980 pesetas, at intervals of 50,000.

The graph’s general trend

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Business Organization: Structure, Types, and Departmentation

**TMA 4: Business Organization**

**Business Organization**

Business organization consists in establishing rules and principles to coordinate the available means in order to reach one or more objectives with minimum effort and cost.

**Types of Organization**

**Informal Organization**

This is formed by a group of employees who have relationships based on common interests, hobbies, concerns, etc. For the proper functioning of the organization, it is important that both the company and its human team are

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Sports Culture: Values, Attributes, and Social Impact

Culture, Ideology, Mentality, and Civilization in Sports

Culture: An individual depends largely on their relationship with others. They are part of a group and are conditioned by it (way of thinking, feeling, etc.). All of this, in social science, is culture.

Sports Civilization: The most important cultural productions are the rules of competition and the game (the same everywhere), large stadiums, equipment, clothing regulations, etc. These endure over time for future civilizations.

Ideology: Cultural

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Financial Management: Strategies for Business Success

Financial Management: Strategies for Business Success

Financial management is the managerial activity concerned with the planning and controlling of a firm’s financial resources. In other words, it involves acquiring, financing, and managing assets to accomplish the overall goal of a business enterprise.

Objectives of Financial Management

  • Create wealth for the business
  • Generate cash flow
  • Provide an adequate return on investment, considering the risks and resources invested

Elements of Financial Management

  • Financial
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Employee Motivation and Knowledge Management in the Workplace

Motivation of Workers

For people to conduct activities as planned, the company must address motivating them.

Main Theories on Motivation

A) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Human needs explain all human behavior. Maslow divided needs into five levels:

  1. Primary: Those related to survival (eating, drinking, etc.).
  2. Safety: Avoiding risks from ignorance about the future.
  3. Social: Integration into the family and groups; feeling accepted and loved.
  4. Esteem: Appreciation and respect from others; recognition.
  5. Self-actualization:
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