Company Essentials: Objectives, Elements, and Growth Strategies

A company is a set of items organized and coordinated under direction, oriented towards a series of goals, while operating under conditions of risk.


Overall Objective: Expresses the long-term goals the company wants to achieve. These goals drive business performance and must be realized.

Specific Goals: These are the targets the business aims to achieve over a given period. They change frequently but remain aligned with the company’s overall objective (basic social objectives and purposes)

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Understanding Global Inequality and Underdevelopment

Inequality and Development

The most significant market failure impacting individuals is the increasing income inequality and persistent poverty. The State supports mechanisms to redistribute wealth and income within the country, such as establishing a progressive tax structure and a welfare state that provides certain services and goods for free to the majority of the population.

Global Inequalities

Inequalities exist within a state, which in most countries of the world have increased over recent years.

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Business Plan Essentials: Key Concepts and Strategies

Business Plan Essentials

Executive Summary

A concise summary of the business plan, highlighting the main results on a single sheet.

Problem Definition and Alternatives

This section identifies the problem and its underlying reasons, while also explaining the weaknesses of existing alternatives.

New Business Idea Presentation

Market context, strengths, new components, etc. This section outlines major trends that suggest the new idea has potential.

Sector Analysis

Analysis of the industry structure, including

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Entrepreneurship: Key Concepts, Challenges, and Advantages

Entrepreneurship: An Overview

How would you describe entrepreneurship? Entrepreneurship is accepting the risk of starting and running a business. It encompasses the capacity and willingness to develop, organize, and manage a business, bearing its inherent risks, to generate a profit.

From an economic perspective, entrepreneurs utilize labor, land, and capital. They combine resources, labor, materials, and other assets in ways that increase their value. They also introduce changes, innovations, and

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Product Levels, Decisions, and Development Process

Three Levels of a Product

Products can be categorized into three levels:

  • Core Customer Value: The fundamental need or want that the customer satisfies.
  • Actual Product: This includes the brand name, quality level, packaging, features, and design.
  • Augmented Product: Additional services and benefits, such as delivery, after-sales support, and warranty.

Consumer vs. Industrial Products

Consumer Products

  • Convenience
  • Shopping (or Durable Goods)
  • Specialty
  • Unsought

Industrial Products

  • Materials and Parts
  • Capital Items
  • Supplies
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Fordism: Rise, Fall, Impact, and Legacy

The Fall of Fordism

  • The uniformity of the wage rate (eliminating bonus pay) and repetitive detail operations led to the abandonment of the Ford model.
  • Increased unionization of workers, particularly around the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

The Solution: Reduced Working Hours

The reduction of working hours from 9 to 8 hours, surprisingly, increased production levels at an accelerated pace. The “high wage” became a necessity for the new process of accumulation. It was believed that later generations

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