Digital Marketing and the Collaborative Economy

Collaborative Economy and Digital Marketing

Collaborative Economy

The collaborative economy involves interactions between two or more individuals, through digital media or otherwise, that satisfies a need (not necessarily real) for one or more people.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the adaptation of traditional marketing to the internet, using resources and tools to achieve some type of conversion.

Characteristics of Online Marketing

  • Measurable: We can track visualizations, interactions, users
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Web Design Fundamentals: From UX to UI and Beyond

Web Design Fundamentals

Design: Aims to convey the appearance, function, and production of an object with a specific function.


  • Observation and analysis
  • Planning and projection
  • Construction and execution

Web design: The activity that consists of planning, design, implementation, and maintenance of websites.

History and Evolution of Web Design

First Web Generation (1990-1994)

Webpages used HTML. Mosaic was the first free web browser program. In 1994, the W3C was created to prevent large companies from

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Global Marketing: Product Attributes, Branding, and Innovation

Global Marketing: Key Concepts and Considerations

Product Attributes

31) Generally speaking, which of the following are true product attributes? C) Both tangible and intangible

32) Many American car buyers perceived Korean cars as: B) Cheap.

33) An express warranty is a written guarantee that assures the buyer: C) That he or she is getting what they paid for.

Packaging and Labeling

34) Packaging is an important consideration for products that are shipped to markets worldwide. Which of the following statements

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E-Commerce Growth in the GCC and UAE: Trends and Insights

E-Commerce in GCC and UAE (Stats, Specificity, Leaders – Local and Worldwide)

First, what is e-commerce? In its simplest form, e-commerce is the buying and selling of products and services by businesses or consumers over the World Wide Web.

E-Commerce in the UAE

The UAE leads the GCC in e-commerce growth. In 2015, the number of B2C e-commerce transactions in the MENA region reached an estimated height of $15 billion, rising from $9 million in 2012, according to recent surveys from Frost and Sullivan

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Marketing Communications: Strategies, Products, and Content

Marketing Communications

Marketing Communications encompasses all messages and media used to communicate with the market, including advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, social media marketing, branding, packaging, digital advertising, influencer marketing, word of mouth, and sponsorship.

Product Levels and Types

A product is anything offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that satisfies a need. Product levels include core, actual, and augmented

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Culture, Subculture, and Consumer Behavior: Key Factors

What is the Difference Between Culture and Subculture?

A subculture is a self-contained group of people who share common interests, lifestyles, beliefs, conventions, norms, style, or preferences. Culture encompasses language, social conventions, beliefs, art, literature, music, customs, pastimes, values, knowledge, recreation, mythology, ritual, and religion. Culture defines the accepted patterns of conduct in a specific society, according to the components of culture. It enhances people’s awareness

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