Digital Transformation: Impact on Business and the Economy

Introduction and General Information

Key Concepts

  • Digitization: The process of converting analog information into digital format (0s and 1s), which enables storage and transmission of business data.
  • Digitalization: The use of digital technologies to modify existing processes within an organization. Key aspects include:
    • Process optimization
    • Creating additional customer value
    • Involves socio-technical changes in organizational structure
  • Digital Transformation: Significant changes driven by emerging technologies
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Brand Strategy: Key Concepts and Techniques

Key Concepts in Branding

  • Rebranding: Not only the evolution of the logo, but a strategic brand decision.
  • Restyling: Modification of the Corporate Visual Identity (CVI) to refresh or update it.
  • Genericide: The trademark becomes a common name (e.g., Tipp-Ex, Kleenex).
  • Private Labels: Same product manufactured by different companies (e.g., Fuet Espetec, Tarradellas).

Brand Name Characteristics

  • Memorable: Easily recognized (e.g., Apple).
  • Meaningful: Descriptive name for the product (e.g., Whole Foods).
  • Likable:
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Sustainable Development: From Brundtland to Corporate Responsibility

Brundtland Commission (1987)

  • Also known as the World Commission on Environment and Development.
  • Chairperson: Gro Harlem Brundtland, appointed by the UN in 1983.
  • The UN General Assembly was concerned about the deterioration of the environment and natural resources.
  • The Commission released Our Common Future.
  • This document popularized the term “Sustainable Development”.

Brundtland Report

The 1987 Brundtland report, Our Common Future, helped define sustainable development. In 1983, UN Secretary-General Javier

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Digital Marketing and Web Optimization Essentials

What is Image Optimization?

Image optimization refers to the process of reducing the file size of images without compromising their quality, ensuring faster loading times and better performance of web pages. This involves several techniques, including compression, resizing, and using appropriate file formats like JPEG, PNG, or WebP. Compression reduces the file size by removing unnecessary metadata and using algorithms that maintain visual integrity while minimizing data. Resizing ensures images

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Strategic Public Relations Planning: 8 Key Elements

This is the second step in the public relations process, after the investigation. Before doing anything, it has to be clear what to do and in what order to achieve the objectives of the organization. Planning prevents improvised and inefficient communication. With a plan, what will be done and how it will be performed is achieved more effectively, so public relations will be more useful for the organization.

Elements of Planning

All PR plans comprise eight key elements:

1. Situation

Unable to set valid

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Platform Capitalism: Data Collection and Business Models

This text, based on the work of Nick Srnicek, explains the characteristics of five types of platforms that exist today and the importance of data collection for them.

Advertising Platforms

Advertising platforms were the first attempts to build a business model suitable for the digital age. They arose as a result of the dot-com bubble burst, made possible by:

  • Many competitors collapsed, leaving different areas of the technology industry under the control of the remaining companies.
  • The depletion of capital
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