Effective Water Treatment Methods: Industrial and Domestic Uses

Water Treatment Methods: A Comprehensive Look

Reverse Osmosis: Purifying Water at Home

Reverse osmosis (RO) effectively removes approximately 95% of organic compounds and pesticides, 90% of dissolved salts, 70-80% of nitrates, and 55-65% of boron. This process involves forcing water through membranes that retain minerals and impurities, reducing salts, conductivity, sulfates, and nitrates, resulting in demineralized water.

Salt rejection membranes are susceptible to damage from microorganisms or chlorine.

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Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry Compounds

Oxides: Compounds formed by the reaction of oxygen with any other element: X2On

  • Systematic Nomenclature: prefix + name of element + oxide
  • Stock Nomenclature: name of element + oxide + (valence of element in Roman numerals)


  • Sodium oxide: Na2O
  • Trinickel dioxide: Ni2O3
  • Lead monoxide: PbO
  • Dichloro heptaoxide: Cl2O7
  • Sulfur dioxide (sulfur (IV) oxide): S2O4 = SO2
  • Chlorine (V) oxide: Cl2O5
  • Diphosphorus pentaoxide: P2O5
  • Calcium oxide: CaO = Ca2O2

Hydrides: Compounds of hydrogen with a metallic element or

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Photosynthesis, Food Webs, Stimuli, and Separation Methods


La fotosíntesi és un procés químic que converteix el diòxid de carboni en compostos orgànics, especialment utilitzant l’energia de la llum solar.[1] La fotosíntesi es produeix en les plantes.

Food Webs

La xarxa tròfica és el conjunt de cadenes tròfiques o alimentàries d’un ecosistema. És a dir, és l’expressió del conjunt de relacions alimentàries que hi ha dintre d’un ecosistema, una manera de representar com circula la matèria i l’energia entre els seus membres.


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Concrete Mix Design and Application


No need to seal before or during direction of work changes. Use water-cured cement with pH > 7 without substitutes. Chloride content should follow arid class (0.40.33) without clay particles. Floating soft, sulfur, and chloride exposure should be within limits. Use CEM I, IIa, IIb (blue). Fineness should be 6 MnC for rolled types, and III’s, IV’s with 0-10 M or limestone I, II0’s and 15 MC I, II’s. V2/P/6 Coef = v1 + d3 .. d3 + y = 100Rd / D.


Use water with a pH between

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Understanding Steel Transformations, Alloys, and Defects

Steel Transformations and Properties

Annealing and Grain Size

Annealing is a crucial process in steel transformation, generally employed to achieve a smaller grain size. This, in turn, lowers metal features. Anisotropy is a general property where physical properties like elasticity, temperature, conductivity, and velocity of spreading light vary depending on the direction in which they are examined.

Alloys and Overheated Steel

An alloy is a system consisting of several elements, with at least one being

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Ions, Compounds, and Chemical Formulas Explained

Ions: Charged Particles

Ion: A charged particle composed of an atom that has gained or lost electrons. Atoms are neutral.

Cations: Positive Ions

Cation: A positively charged ion due to the loss of electrons from a neutral atom (e.g., Na+).

Na Atom11 Protons11 Electrons
Na+11 Protons10 Electrons

Anions: Negative Ions

Anion: A negatively charged ion due to an increase in the number of electrons (e.g., Cl).

Cl Atom17 Protons17 Electrons
Cl17 Protons18 Electrons

Chemical Compounds and Formulas

Ionic Compound:

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