Chemical Bonds: Covalent, Ionic, and Metallic Explained
Unit 5: Chemical Bonding
1. Introduction
The things around us are made up of different atoms that have been joined together.
1.1. What Happens When Atoms Bond?
A chemical bond is formed when atoms are held together by attractive forces. A chemical bond is the physical process that causes atoms and molecules to be attracted to each other and held together in more stable chemical compounds. There are three types of chemical bonds: covalent, ionic, and metallic bonding.
1.2. Lewis Structures
Lewis notation
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Life Sciences
Genetic (biological inheritance laws and the variation), Cytology (structure and functioning of cells), Histology (tissue structure), Botanica (algal photosynthesis, plants, and some bacteria), Zoology (animals in their development and interaction with the environment), Anatomy (macroscopic structures that form the body of living organisms such as organs and organ systems), Embryology (the development of organisms from zygote to the characteristics of the adult organism), Biochemistry
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Laws of Chemical Combination
Weight Laws
- Law of Conservation of Mass (Lavoisier): In any chemical process, the mass of the reactants must equal the mass of the products of the reaction.
- Law of Constant Proportions (Proust): When two elements come together to form a compound, they do so in a fixed mass ratio.
- Law of Multiple Proportions (Dalton): When two elements combine to form more than one compound, the amounts of one of them that are combined with a fixed amount of the second bear a simple whole
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Electrolytes and Non-Electrolytes
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