Uses and Gratifications Theory: Media Consumption Motives & Effects

Uses & Gratifications

What do people do with media? Uses & gratifications shifts the focus to understanding why people use media. It combines insights from different fields.

The starting point is the assumption that we consume media to satisfy needs. The focus is on analyzing these needs and the direct impact media has.

It assumes the audience is relatively active. The background is essential to understand people’s choice of media. Media impact is limited by individual differences, motivation,

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SQL Queries and Table Operations for Video Game Database

Basic Aggregate Functions

Count (Cuenta)
Min (Valor Minimo)
SELECT MIN(Precio) FROM Juegos;
Max (Valor Maximo)
SELECT MAX(Precio) FROM juegos;
Avg (Promedio)
SELECT AVG(Precio) FROM juegos;
Sum (Suma)
SELECT SUM(Precio) FROM Juegos WHERE Distribuidor = 'Blizzard';

Subgroups (Precio o Genero)

SELECT nom FROM juegos WHERE precio = (SELECT MIN(precio) FROM juegos);
SELECT genero, COUNT(*)

Table Creation and Modification

CREATE TABLE juegos (codjue int, Nom VARCHAR2(

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