iPhone Issues and Common English Expressions

iPhone User Complaints

Writing: (Address: The Glove, Number 4)

Dear Ms. Alex,

First of all, I would like to know why the Apple company did not secure my phone when it broke. I made a lot of effort to buy this mobile phone; I had to break the bank for it.

Some of the many problems I have had are the following:

  • One of them is the price.
  • Another issue, apart from being flat broke, is the storage of the mobile phone.

It’s a pity, and really curious, that the device works very well otherwise.

In conclusion,

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English Vocabulary: Family, Shopping, and Conditionals

Family and Relationships


  • Bond/Tie: vínculo
  • Brother-in-law: cuñado
  • Cousin: primo/prima
  • Great-grandfather: bisabuelo
  • Nephew/Niece: sobrino/sobrina
  • Referee: árbitro
  • Relative: pariente
  • Sibling: hermano/hermana
  • Spouse: cónyuge
  • Widow: viuda

Phrasal Verbs

  • Bury: enterrar
  • Cheer: vitorear
  • Fake: fingir
  • Flee: huir
  • Inherit: heredar
  • Nod: asentir con la cabeza
  • Overhear: oír
  • Raise: criar


  • Engaged: prometido/prometida
  • Grateful: agradecido/agradecida
  • Jealous: celoso/celosa
  • Pregnant: embarazada
  • Self-centred: egocéntrico/
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Effective Remedies for Common Ailments

Pharmacy Dialogues: Finding the Right Remedy

Constipation Relief

Pharmacist: Good morning, sir!

Customer: Good morning! I’m looking for something for constipation. Can you help me?

Pharmacist: Sure, I can help you. Is it for you or for another person?

Customer: It’s for me. My abdomen is bloated and swollen with gas. Also, I am not pooing as often as normal and have severe cramps and pain.

Pharmacist: How long has this been going on?

Customer: It’s the third day already. I really hope you can help me,

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