Java Code Examples: Backpack & Maximum Subarray

Backpack Problem Implementation in Java

This code implements a solution to the Backpack problem using a depth-first search approach. The Alforja class represents the backpack and its contents.

public class Alforja implements Solution {
    private ArrayList<Integer> pesos;
    private ArrayList<Integer> valors;
    private ArrayList<Integer> alforja;
    public static int MAXPES = 0;

    public Alforja() {
        pesos = new ArrayList<>();
        valors = new ArrayList&
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Satellite Communication and Radio Wave Fundamentals

Iridium Satellite Constellation

Iridium is the name of a constellation of 66 communications satellites orbiting the Earth in 6 low Earth orbits (LEO), each consisting of 11 evenly spaced satellites. Its name comes from the element Iridium, which has an atomic number of 77, equivalent to the number of satellites in the constellation, including its original design.

Radio Wave Fundamentals


Frequency is a measure that is generally used to indicate the number of repetitions of any phenomenon or

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Market Entry and Game Theory: Incumbent vs. New Entrant

Market Entry and Strategic Interaction: A Game Theory Perspective

**a) Payoffs with c=0**

There are three possible outcomes of the game, depending on the choices of the new entrant (entry vs. no entry) and of the incumbent firm (aggressive vs. passive behavior). In case of no entry, the incumbent will set the monopolist level of output. Let i be the incumbent label and e the new firm label. The monopolist quantity is qmi = 1/2 and the payoffs are Πmi = 1/4 and Πme = 0.

If the new firm enters the

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Network Simulation and Data Security: Practical Implementations

1. Implementing a Three-Node Point-to-Point Network

This section demonstrates a three-node point-to-point network with duplex links. We will set the queue size, vary the bandwidth, and determine the number of packets dropped.

TCL Script

set ns [new Simulator]
set nf [open lab1.nam w]
$ns namtrace-all $nf
set tf [open w]
$ns trace-all $tf

proc finish { } {
global ns nf tf
$ns flush-trace
close $nf
close $tf
exec nam lab1.nam &
exit 0

set n0 [$ns node]
set n1 [$ns node]
set n2 [$ns node]
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Strategic Analysis of Coloring, Network Formation, and Information Gathering Games

Coloring Game

Best Response in Polynomial Time

Definition of Best Response:

BR(s−i) = {ai ∈ Ai | ui(s−i , ai) = max (a’i∈Ai) (ui(s−i , a’i )} where:

  • Ai is the set of actions for player i.
  • ui(s−i , ai) is the utility for player i if all players except i play s−i and i plays ai.

In this game, the utility of a player p is equal to the number of neighbors of p that have the same color as p. A strategy profile s−p fixes the strategies of all other players. This means that their colors are fixed.

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Essential Bash Commands and C++ Fundamentals

Essential Bash Commands

  • Use which -a to find the path to the Bash shell.
  • Use echo -n to avoid trailing newlines.
  • ls -l lists the content in long format.
  • ls -a lists all content, including hidden files.
  • ls -la combines both.
  • pwd prints the current directory.
  • Use man x to view the manual of command x.
  • Use ~ to navigate to the home directory.
  • mkdir creates directories.
  • Multiple directories can be created at once by typing them in the same line.
  • rmdir deletes an empty directory.
  • rm -rf deletes a non-empty directory.
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