Network Topologies, Wireless Networks, and Devices Explained

Network Topologies and Wireless Basics

Physical Star and Logical Bus: A network can have a physical star topology but behave as a logical bus. In a logical bus, devices send signals across the network, and all devices receive them, regardless of their physical location. Messages contain information specifying the intended recipient; other devices ignore the message.

Basic Service Set (BSS) in Wireless Networks: A BSS consists of fixed and mobile stations, optionally including an access point (AP).

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Computer Systems: Components and Applications

What is a Chipset?

A chipset is a set of integrated circuits responsible for controlling certain functions of a computer, such as caching or control ports.

Elements of a Chipset

A chipset typically houses two chips, called the Northbridge and the Southbridge, which share the task of controlling data traffic on the motherboard.

What is a CPU?

CPU stands for Central Processing Unit.

Characteristics of a CPU

Key characteristics of a CPU include:

  • Speed
  • Memory
  • Power consumption
  • Data bus
  • Parallelism
  • Clock frequency


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Panorama Factory Image Export Formats

Export Image File Formats

The Panorama Factory can export your panorama to a variety of output formats. Each export filter has particular capabilities and limitations, some determined by the file format itself (for example, QTVR does not support spherical projection) and others by the export filter.

To export the current image, use the Save current image as… command (File menu). You choose the export format from the Save as type dropdown list of the Save Image As dialog box.

For more information

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Understanding UML and Use Case Diagrams in Software Development

Understanding UML and Use Case Diagrams

The Problem and Use Cases

The problem can be defined as the difference between things as perceived and things as they are. A use case is a description of a set of actions executed by a system to produce an observable result of value to an actor. Use cases are determined by observing and mentioning, actor by actor, interaction sequences, and scenarios, from the standpoint of the user.

Use Case Diagrams

A Use Case Diagram is a technique for capturing information

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Understanding Computer Bus Technology: Data, Address, and Control

A Technology with Many Cables

A Technology with Many Cables

  • Works with a binary system, which means using a wire for each bit of data.
  • Technology with too many cables.

Current microprocessors, like the Pentium 4 processor, internally use 32-bit data. But when accessing external devices to process more data, they read 64 bits at a time (i.e., to enter information inside the microprocessor, they take two 32-bit data chunks at a time to accelerate the transfer). This implies that if the microprocessor

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Resource Deadlocks: Conditions, Examples, and Prevention

1. What are the Four Necessary Conditions for a Resource Deadlock?

The four necessary conditions for a resource deadlock are:

  • Mutual Exclusion: Each resource is either currently held by exactly one process or is free.
  • Hold and Wait: Processes currently holding resources can request and wait for new resources.
  • No Preemption: Resources held by a process can’t be forcibly taken away from the process.
  • Circular Wait: There is a circular chain of two or more processes, each waiting for a resource held by
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