Tech Terms: Definitions for Hardware, Software, and Security

Essential Computer and Programming Terminology

Hardware and Software

  • Apple: A company that produces Macs and other computer products.
  • Ubuntu: A specific type of computer operating system. Servers often use this operating system.
  • Linux: A computer operating system.
  • Terminal: A computer that allows users to input command lines.
  • Open Source: Software that can be distributed with the same basic source code.
  • Free Software License: Allows users to change and distribute programs.
  • OpenOffice: An open software package
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Computer Architecture and Organization: Key Concepts

1. Define Computer Architecture

Computer architecture is defined as the functional operation of the individual hardware units in a computer system and the flow of information among the control of those units.

2. Define Computer Hardware

Computer hardware is the electronic circuit and electromechanical equipment that constitutes the computer.

3. What is Meant by Cache Memory?

Cache memory is a smaller, faster memory that is interposed between the CPU and main memory. The cache acts as a buffer for recently

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Understanding Routers: Functions, Components, and Setup

Chapter 1: Routers

1. Routers Connect Networks

A router connects one network with another network.

2. Router Functions

Routers are also used to:

  • Ensure availability
  • Provide integrated data services, video, and voice networks, wired or wireless
  • Reduce the impact of worms, viruses, and other attacks on the network

3. Routers are Computers

Routers have many of the same hardware and software components found on other computers, including:

  • CPU
  • RAM
  • ROM
  • Operating System

4. Routers Connect Multiple Networks

A router connects

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Understanding Process States in Operating Systems

Process States in Operating Systems

A process is any kind of activity that requires the attention and CPU utilization of a machine. The process is an active entity that is running, while a program is a passive entity that is not running.

Process States

A process can be found in the following states:

  • Running or Active: When using the CPU at a given time (only one process can be in this state at once).
  • Executable, Prepared, or Ready: The process is in custody, awaiting the end of another process’s execution
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Nexus Client Keyboard and Joystick Shortcuts

Keyboard commands can be used as a template or just as shortcuts for all the basic features on Nexus Client. Using the commands listed in the below table, you can perform actions like play/pause the video, toggle between live view and playback, speed control for playback video, and so on.

Joystick commands can be used when an Airship joystick is connected to your machine and Nexus Client is running on it.

Keyboard Commands

Airship Joystick Commands





Toggles playback/live view




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Linux: Distributions, Licenses, and Documentation

Linux: Distributions

Although the core of Linux is the Kernel, much more is needed to create a complete operating environment. Here are some key elements of a typical Linux distribution:

  • Boot Manager: The boot manager is a utility that resides in the boot sector (Master Boot Record or MBR).
  • User Interface: At its core, Linux is a Unix derivative, and its default interface is a command line, similar to DOS.
  • X Window System: Like the Graphics Device Interface (GDI) in Windows, X Window is the graphics
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