Software Development Lifecycle and System Design Principles

Phases in the SDLC

  • Project Planning Phase
  • Analysis Phase
  • Design Phase
  • Implementation Phase
  • Support Phase


  • Relationships have a modality of either “required” or “optional”, which refers to whether an instance of an entity can exist without a related instance in the related entity.
  • Can we have a customer instance without a related custom drone order instance?
  • Can we have a customer drone order instance without a customer instance?
  • Modality indicates whether the relationship between an entity
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Flash Memory and Flip-Flops: Comprehensive Insights

What is Flash Memory?

(Asked in MDU BCA 2023, 2022, 2015, 2021, 2017)

Flash memory is a type of constantly powered, nonvolatile memory. This means that it stores information on a silicon chip in a way that does not need power to maintain the information in the chip. It can be erased and reprogrammed in units of memory called blocks. It is a variation of Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM), which, unlike flash memory, is erased and rewritten at the byte level, which is slower

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C++ Classes, Objects, and OOP Principles


A class is a blueprint or template for creating objects. It defines a set of attributes and methods that the objects created from the class will have. A class encapsulates data for the object and methods to manipulate that data.


An object is an instance of a class. It represents a unique occurrence of the class, with its own set of attributes (variables) and methods (functions). Objects are created from classes, following the blueprint provided by the class.

Constructors in C++

In C++, constructors

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Algorithms and Programming: Essential Concepts

Algorithms: Definition and Characteristics

An algorithm is a finite and orderly sequence of unambiguous instructions that solves a given problem.

Characteristics of Algorithms

  • Each step should be perfectly defined.
  • Each step must be executed in a finite time.
  • There must be a set of initial data.
  • There must be a set of output data.

Loop or Cycle

A set of instructions that are repeated a finite number of times is associated with a portion of the instructions. A condition determines when the loop terminates.

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Media Production Terms: From Audio to Digital Art

Radio, Podcasting, and Broadcasting

Commissioning Brief: A document or presentation that sets out the commissioner’s vision and requirements for the program that is open to proposals from suppliers.

Bids: Cost-based proposals, typically based on detailed requirements from the broadcaster.

Cues: Words said by a DJ or presenter to introduce and link segments or music.

Dry Version: A pre-recorded item that includes only the spoken word, that is, no music or sound effects.

Breaking News: Events that are

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Computer Peripherals: Hard Drives, CD-ROMs, Monitors, Keyboards

Hard Drives

Hard drives are the primary storage units of a computer, where a large amount of data and programs are stored.

Parts of a Hard Drive

Physical Parts

  • Disk: The main part of a hard disk.
  • Heads: The magnetic part that reads/writes information on the HDD.
  • Spindle: The part of the hard drive that acts as a support. Disks are mounted on it and spin.
  • Actuator: The mechanism that moves the read/write heads.

Logical Parts

  • Tracks: Invisible concentric rings along which magnetic impulses are recorded.
  • Sector:
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