FIR Filter Design and DFT/IDFT Computation Techniques
Experiment 11: FIR Filter Design Using Frequency Sampling
11.1: Low Pass Filter Design and Frequency Response
Design a Low Pass Filter as per the given specifications and plot the Frequency Response.
1. clc;
2. close;
3. clear;
4. delta1=0.1; // Attenuation
5. delta2=0.1;
6. fl=400; // Low Cut-Off Frequency
7. fh=500; // High Cut-Off Frequency
8. fs=8000; // Sampling Frequency
9. A=-20*log10(min(delta1:delta2));
10. w1=2*%pi*fl/fs;
11. w2=2*%pi*fh/fs;
12. temp=1+((A-8)/(2.285*((2*3.14*fh/fs)-(2*3.
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RPM and YUM Package Management in Linux
Fundamental factors justifying the existence of packages:
- Operating Units: Prevents installation of a package if not all necessary dependencies are installed.
- Automation of Installation/Uninstallation: Allows users to try a utility and immediately remove it without leaving residual files.
- Trivial Update Utility: Installation of a newer version of software is done automatically.
- Control of Configuration Files: Updating a package does not remove configuration files. Guarantees conservation of
Essential Machine Learning Concepts and Techniques
What Mathematical Concept is Naive Bayes Based On?
Naive Bayes is based on Bayes’ Theorem, which is a probabilistic model used for classification tasks. It calculates the probability of a class given the input features. The core concept behind Naive Bayes is the conditional independence assumption, which assumes that the features are independent of each other given the class label. This assumption simplifies the computation, making Naive Bayes computationally efficient.
Bayes’ Theorem:
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Dimension Tables: Types and Examples
Dimension tables provide context to the data stored in fact tables. Here are the different types:
- Small Dimension Tables: These dimensions have a small number of entries, such as lookup tables.
- Example: A table for country codes or product categories (e.g., “Electronics”, “Clothing”).
- Conformed Dimension Tables: These dimensions are consistent across different data marts or fact tables. They ensure that data can be integrated and analyzed across multiple
Key Aspects of Software Design and Development
1. What is the Purpose of the Design Phase within the Software Development Cycle?
The design phase seeks to incorporate the essential technological requirements of the user, projecting what will be built in the implementation phase. The design phase aims to find a solution among the various options identified that meet the specified requirements. While analysis seeks to identify the business domain, the project phase seeks to define how a particular solution will be built. At this point, the analysis
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Differences Do Not Target – Connectionless
Not target (connectionless) characteristics:
- The package contains the source and destination address.
- The router does not need to maintain state information about connections.
- Routing tables change dynamically depending on network traffic.
- Difficult for service and control errors.
Connection-oriented characteristics:
- Carried by the virtual circuit identification number.
- Each virtual circuit requires a space in the routing table.
- Defines a virtual