Python Fundamentals: Data Types, Operations, and Libraries
Intro to Python
Operations with Other Types
monthly_savings = 10
num_months = 12
intro = "Hello! How are you?"
# Calculate year_savings using monthly_savings and num_months
year_savings = monthly_savings * num_months
# Print the type of year_savings
# Assign sum of intro and intro to doubleintro
doubleintro = intro + intro
# Print out doubleintro
Type Conversion
savings = 100
total_savings = 150
# Fix the printout
print("I started with $" + str(savings) + " and now have
User Profiles and Group Policy: Desktop Customization in Windows XP
Understanding How User Profiles and Group Policy Affect Desktop Customization
User profiles and Group Policy influence the options available for users to customize their desktop environment.
In Windows XP Professional, a user’s computer environment primarily depends on their user profile. For security, Windows XP Professional requires a user profile for each user account.
A user profile contains all settings a user defines for their working environment, including regional settings, screen, mouse, sound,
Read MorePriority Queue with MinHeap and Adjacency List Graphs in Java
Priority Queue with MinHeap in Java
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
public class EDPriorityQueue<E> {
private static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 11;
E[] data;
int size;
private Comparator<E> comparator;
public EDPriorityQueue() {
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Breaking Down Bolivars: Currency Calculation in C#
C# Currency Breakdown Calculator
This program is designed to perform calculations with currency, specifically Bolivars. It offers two main functionalities:
- Breaking down a given amount into different denominations of bills and coins.
- Calculating the total value based on the quantity of each denomination entered.
- Luis Salazar (CI: 18,399,892)
- Santiago Reyes (CI: 18,399,892)
Program Structure
The program utilizes a while
loop to continuously prompt the user for input until the exit option (“X”) is
SQL Queries and Database Triggers Examples
SQL Queries Examples
Page 22 Exercises
Exercise 5
Buscar o nome e a idade em meses dos pacientes:
SELECT nome, (idade*12) as "Idade em meses" FROM Pacientes;
Exercise 7
Qual o menor e o maior salário dos funcionários de Florianópolis?
SELECT MIN(salario), MAX(salario) FROM Funcionarios WHERE cidade='Florianopolis';
Exercise 11
Qual a média de idade dos médicos e o total de ambulatórios atendidos por eles?
SELECT AVG(idade), count(distinct nroa) FROM Medicos;
Exercise 12
Buscar o código, o nome e o salário
MAE-10 Winter 2010 Final Exam: Code Analysis and Problem Solving
MAE-10 Winter Quarter 2010 Final Examination
Instructions: You have until the end of the class period to complete the exam. Notes on both sides of an 8.5”x11” sheet of paper are allowed. Closed book. No calculators.
Section 1: Short Answer (2 points each)
(1.1) How many rows & columns in arrays W & Z?
X = [-1 : 2 : 3];
Y = [3 : -2 : -1];
W = [X Y];
Z = [X; Y];
(1.2) How many data lines will be plotted on the figure generated by the following code?
T = (0:1:10);
X = T.^2;
Y = X.^2;
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