Software Development Concepts: Concurrency, Testing, and Design

Concurrency and Asynchronous Operations

Race Condition: Occurs when the outcome of a program depends on the non-deterministic timing of events, such as the order in which threads are processed and executed. This happens when multiple threads share the same resource. To prevent, use proper synchronization and wrap resource access in locks.

Deadlock: A situation where two or more threads are waiting for resources held by each other, preventing further progress. To prevent, use nested locks and a lock

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Key Concepts in Software Development

Delegates, Lambdas, and Closures

  • Delegates: Type-safe function pointers

  • Lambdas: Anonymous functions

  • Closures: Functions that capture their environment

Immutable Objects

  • Cannot be modified after creation

  • Thread-safe by design

  • Examples: strings, DateTime

Memory Management

  • Garbage collection

  • ref: Pass by reference

  • out: Must assign value

Pair Programming

  • Two developers work together

  • Driver writes code

  • Navigator reviews and plans

  • Regular role switching

IDE Features

  • Debugging tools

  • Code completion

  • Refactoring support

  • Version

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Computer Interconnection: Buses, Channels, and Interfaces

Selective Cache Invalidation

To invalidate content selectively, the cache is flushed before a read operation. This forces an update of the main memory content. For a write operation, the processor I/O or channel acts as an extension of DMA, further reducing CPU interference. Traditionally used in mainframes, it’s now common in file servers. These specialized processors execute I/O programs, typically located in the main memory.

Types of Channels

  1. Selector: Controls multiple fast devices, transferring
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Data Structures and Algorithms: Key Concepts

Data Structures

Arrays: Fixed-size, sequentially stored elements. Efficient for index-based access.

Linked Lists: Elements (nodes) linked using pointers. Efficient for insertions/deletions.

Stacks (LIFO): Operations: push(e), pop(), top(), is_empty(), len().

Queues (FIFO): Operations: enqueue(e), dequeue(), first(), is_empty(), len().

Binary Trees: Each node has at most two children (left and right).

  • Binary Search Trees (BST): Nodes follow left < root < right rule.
  • AVL Trees: Self-balancing BSTs
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Analyzing Algorithm Complexities: Binary, Linear, Merge Sort & Recurrences

Algorithm Complexity Analysis

1. Best-Case, Average-Case, and Worst-Case Complexities of Binary Search

Binary search operates on a sorted array. It repeatedly halves the search interval, comparing the target value with the middle element. If the target matches the middle element, its index is returned. Otherwise, the search continues in the left or right half.

Best-case Complexity:

Definition: The minimum time the algorithm takes.

Binary Search Best-case: If the target element is the middle element on

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C Programming: Arrays, Strings, Structures, Pointers

Numeric Arrays or Vectors

Consider a vector as a sequential formation in memory. All data elements of an array must be of the same data type and the same type of storage.


To declare a one-dimensional array, specify the size of the array with a positive integer expression enclosed in square brackets.

Syntax: type-of-storage data-type array_name [expression].

Reference Array Elements

To reference an array element we will use an index. The index value must be a positive integer, it can be an

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