JavaScript Image Rotator and Opacity Effects

JavaScript Image Rotator

Slide del ejercicio 1

Image Opacity Effects

Contact Image Opacity

Presentation Image Opacity

Methodology Image Opacity

Content Image Opacity

Form Validation

Date Selection

Radio Button Disabler

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System Configuration and Device Management

Configuration tools in operating systems have different uses for system administration. These applications allow you to configure the desktop, the appearance of windows, users, internet connection, devices, etc. Configuration tools are similar in all operating systems, even though each has a personalized name or location. To use the administrative tools, it is required to have Administrator or root privileges.

Windows Administration

There are many applications for system administration in Windows.

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Setting Up an NFS Installation Server

Installation Server (First Virtual Machine)

Log in as root.

yum install system-config-kickstart nfs-utils
yum install gpm  (mouse support in console)
service gpm restart
vim /etc/idmapd.conf

Change the domain to:

Domain = virtual-server.local

Save the file :wq

vim /etc/exports

Add these lines (to create and share folders over the network):

/linux/x64        (ro,sync)    "Share the entire operating system"
/linux/ks         (ro,sync)    "Read only, synchronize"
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Essential SQL Commands and Operations

CREATE: Create a New Table

CREATE TABLE employees (
  employee_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
  first_name VARCHAR(50),
  last_name VARCHAR(50),
  department VARCHAR(50),
  salary DECIMAL(10, 2)

INSERT INTO: Add New Records

INSERT INTO employees (employee_id, first_name, last_name, department, salary)
  (1, 'John', 'Doe', 'HR', 50000.00),
  (2, 'Jane', 'Smith', 'IT', 60000.00),
  (3, 'Alice', 'Johnson', 'Finance', 55000.00),
  (4, 'Bob', 'Williams', 'IT', 62000.00),
  (5, 'Emily', 'Brown', 'HR', 
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Configuring Network Devices: Police, Fire, and Central HQ

This document outlines the configuration steps for network devices in a Police Department, Fire Department, and Central Headquarters environment. It includes router and switch configurations, VLAN setup, OSPF routing, DHCP configuration, and NAT setup.

Network Topology

The network consists of three main sites:

  • Police Department (Site 1)
  • Central Headquarters (HQ)
  • Fire Department (Site 2)

Router Configurations

Police Department Router Configuration

Router(config)# hostname PoliceDept
PoliceDept(config)# no 
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OSPF Configuration: Multi-Router Setup

OSPF Configuration for Multiple Routers

RTR-1 Configuration

configure terminal
router ospf 10
interface g0/0/0
ip ospf 10 area 0
interface s0/1/0
ip ospf 10 area 0
router ospf 10
interface g0/0/0
ip ospf priority 255
ip route s0/1/1
router ospf 10
default-information originate
interface s0/1/0
ip ospf hello-interval 20
ip ospf dead-interval 80
router ospf 10
auto-cost reference-bandwidth 10000
router ospf 10
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