Imagination, Empathy, and the Arts in Education

The Stimulation of Imaginative Powers

Imaginative powers are important to defend an open and pluralistic society. Citizens cannot relate well to the complex world around them with only factual knowledge and logic alone. Individuals need the ability to imagine what it might be like to be in the shoes of a person different from themselves and to understand the emotions, wishes, and desires that someone might have. The cultivation of sympathy forms part of democratic education, in both Western and non-

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Effective Business Meetings: Types, Phases & Best Practices

Types of Meetings

Meetings can be categorized based on their primary purpose:

  • Information sharing
  • Problem analysis
  • Forecasting
  • Decision-making
  • Planning and control

Phases of a Meeting

A typical meeting progresses through these phases:

  1. Call, Greeting, and Initial Contact: Setting the tone and establishing rapport.
  2. Issue Approach: Clearly defining the meeting’s objectives and agenda.
  3. Discussion of Alternatives: Exploring various options and perspectives.
  4. Discussion and Closing: Summarizing key points, reaching
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Philosophical Foundations of Curriculum Development

Philosophical Foundations of Curriculum

The educational objectives that learners are to achieve depend on the philosophy of education adhered to by the teachers. The learner’s philosophy also adds input into the curriculum. Pressures from the community also modify philosophical thinking pertaining to teaching-learning situations. Different schools of philosophy, like idealism, realism, existentialism, and experimentalism, all have unique objectives for learners to acquire.

Idealism and Curriculum


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The Art of Eloquence: History, Forms, and Notable Speakers

By speaking we mean:

  • The art of speaking eloquently.
  • A literary genre that applies to all spoken communication processes, such as lectures, talks, exhibitions, storytelling, and so on.

In all such processes, orality generally applies, and its purpose is to persuade. This order is characteristic of it, distinguishing it from other disciplines: didactic teaching delights the poetic, and speech persuades. Persuading is to allow people to make decisions and act at will.

Forms of Speaking

Individual Speaking


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Journalistic Genres: From Opinions to Chronicles

Journalistic Genres and Their Characteristics

Opinion Pieces

Article/Column: Focuses on a specific theme. Opinions are signed and represent the author’s personal viewpoint, expressed with complete freedom. Topics are varied and may sometimes disagree with the newspaper’s stance. Space is limited. Regular columnists are typically prioritized over occasional contributors.

Critical Report: Geared towards education and culture. Presents a personal opinion from a specialist or well-documented source. Covers

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Classroom Management and Literacy Development

Classroom Management Techniques

Classroom Management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive during a class. Adapt what you like to your classroom.

Personal Relationships & Class Climate (Teacher)

The teacher must create a warm and trusting community of learners by:

  • Getting off to a good start
  • Establishing rules
  • Over-planning lessons
  • Being firm and consistent
  • Using effective teacher
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