Understanding Balance Sheets, P&L, and Financial Ratios
Balance Sheet
Non-Current Assets
- Tangible Assets:
- Land and Natural Resources
- Buildings
- Plant
- Machinery
- Furniture
- Computer Equipment
- Transportation Elements
- Intangible Assets:
- Patents
- Software Applications
Amortization: Represents the decrease in value of fixed assets due to use, aging, etc. There are two types: Amortization of Tangible Assets and Amortization of Intangible Assets. The purpose of depreciation is to recover the invested money.
Current Assets
- Inventory: Raw materials, finished goods, merchandise.
Understanding Commercial and Tax Law in Spain
Commercial law is a collection of laws that regulates a company’s economic activity. It handles issues such as enterprise, entrepreneurship, business legal entities, accounting, and advertising.
Obligations Under Spanish Commercial Law
Spanish Accounting Law
Any entrepreneur should register all financial movements chronologically, create balance sheets and warehouse inventories, and maintain proper accounting. Commercial societies should have a minute book that records agreements made at annual general
Understanding Market Dynamics and Economic Concepts
Market Dynamics and Economic Concepts
Market: A mechanism through which buyers and sellers interact to determine the quantity of a product to be exchanged and its price.
Application: The amount of a good or service to be acquired under defined conditions.
The Demand Curve: The locus of points that indicate the different amounts of goods that a consumer is willing to buy at different prices.
Individual Demand
- The price of a good varies inversely proportional to the quantity demanded.
- The greater the consumer’
Key Business and Workplace Terminology
Job Hunting and Business Challenges
- Includes: Regarding booming business.
- Dissolved: No longer rose.
- Remarked: With estimates.
- Against: Out of income.
- Blamed: Hire current staff.
- Contacts: Spent pension.
- Reliant: Responsible for efforts.
- Search: Deal despite challenges.
- Unwilling: Throughout restructuring.
- Medium: Potential from previous experience.
Nicolas-Francois and Manufacturing in 2005
- No, how, which.
- Not with what was called.
- As it is where.
- Out, set as.
- To be out.
- Might be longer.
- With around, succeeded.
- Who
Spain’s Transition: Economic Crisis and the Moncloa Pacts
Spain’s Transition: Economic Crisis and Social Pacts
The political transition occurred amidst a severe economic crisis, exacerbated by the failure to implement timely adjustment measures.
There was a double imbalance:
- External: Contraction of external demand leading to higher deficits and debt (no pre-adjustment mechanisms worked effectively: tourism, remittances, investment).
- Internal: Domestic demand was maintained by a cheap money policy (low interest rates) resulting in very high inflation.
The Moncloa
Read MoreUnderstanding Economic Crises, Balance of Payments, and Global Trade
Understanding Economic Crises
Origin of Economic Crises According to Keynes
According to Keynes, economic crises often stem from a shortfall in aggregate demand within an economy. This means that when people, businesses, or governments collectively spend less, it reduces demand for goods and services. This lack of demand can result in unemployment, reduced production, and an economic slowdown or recession.
Characteristics of the 2008 Economic Crisis
The 2008 financial crisis happened because house prices
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