Elements of an Electrical Installation: A Comprehensive Overview
Elements of an Electrical Installation
This chapter provides an overview of the elements commonly found in an electrical installation. The goal is to familiarize you with the terminology and concepts that will be used throughout.
1. Service Entrance
The service entrance is the point where the utility’s electrical network connects to the user’s electrical system. It can also refer to the overhead or underground lines that connect the mains supply to the metering system. In addition to input
Read MoreTransformer Components, Types, and Applications in Power Systems
1. Transformer Components
Transformers are based on electromagnetic induction. They consist of two coils (primary and secondary) wound on a soft iron or silicon iron core. Some transformers have a third winding with lower voltage than the secondary.
2. What is a Transformer?
An electrical transformer increases or decreases voltage in an alternating current (AC) circuit while maintaining frequency. Ideally, the input power equals the output power. Real transformers have minor losses.
3. What is an Autotransformer?
Read MoreInformation System Security: Physical & Logical Safety Measures
Information System Security
Passive and Active Safety
Passive safety: Corrective measures implemented to minimize the impact of security incidents and allow system recovery.
Active safety: Mechanisms and procedures for preventing and detecting security risks in information systems.
Physical and Logical Security
Physical security: Protection of physical elements, such as hardware and the locations where activities take place.
Logical security: Protection of software and operating systems, including data
Read MoreFundamentals of Electric Circuits: Phenomena, Laws, and Concepts
ITEM 54: Introduction to Electric Circuits
1. Introduction
An electric circuit is the path followed by the movement of electricity. There are three fundamental elements in an electrical circuit:
- The generator (source of electricity)
- The receiver (consumer of electricity)
- Conductors (connect the generator and receiver, allowing the flow of electricity)
When electricity moves along a circuit, various phenomena occur. Understanding these phenomena requires considering electrical quantities and units.
Read MoreRoad Freight Transportation Regulations
Road Transport
Passenger and Goods Transport
The transport of passengers and goods using moving vehicles without a fixed track and no fixed energy capture. This applies to all classes of urban and interurban roadways, both public and private, when the transport is public.
Bus or Coach
Bus: A motor vehicle designed for carrying passengers and, potentially, baggage or commissions, with a capacity exceeding 9 seats, including the driver. Commonly used for public transport with fixed routes,
Read MoreBasic Concepts of Electricity and Electronics
An insulator is a material that resists the flow of electric current.
A conductor facilitates the flow of electrons.
Electrical Resistance
If the electrical resistance is high, it hinders the passage of electron flow. Conversely, if it’s low, it facilitates the flow.
Electric Current
Electric current is the flow of charge per unit of time that passes through a material. It is due to the movement of electrons inside the material.
Direct Current (DC)
Direct current (DC) is the
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