Telecommunications and Control Systems Essentials


Basic Concepts

1. What elements are always present in communication?
The sender, the message, the receiver, the channel, and the transmission medium.

2. What is a wave?
A wave is a physical phenomenon spreading through space, transporting energy but not matter.

3. What types of waves exist?
Mechanical and electromagnetic waves.

4. What types of waves are used in modern telecommunications?
Electromagnetic waves.

5. What is a periodic wave?
A local disturbance with repeated cycles, such as

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Mathematics Formulas and Concepts

Mathematics Formulas & Concepts

Geometric Formulas

  • Area of a polygon: A = Fn / 2 (where F is the number of sides and n is the length of each side)
  • Volume of a pyramid: V = Abase * h / 3 (where Abase is the area of the base and h is the height)
  • Area of a circle: A = 4πR2
  • Volume of a sphere: V = 4πR3 / 3


  • Triangle: m = √3 / 6
  • Square: m = a / 2
  • Hexagon: a3 = m / 2

Regular Tetrahedra

  • Height: h = a√6 / 3
  • Area: AT = a2√3 / 2
  • Distance between two points (DAB): √((XA-XB)² + (YA-YB)2)

Lines and Angles

  • Area
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Radio Broadcasting: Production, Transmission & Technology

Radio Broadcasting: A Comprehensive Overview

Production Units


Recording interviews, news discussions, and musical performances take place in the locutorio. Key features include:

  • Microphones: Common response microphones adapted to the human voice, connected to a junction box at the announcer’s table.
  • Monitoring: Speakers allow commentators and guests to listen to the generated signal. “On the air” and “open” signals indicate speaker activation.
  • Acoustic Conditioning: Walls and ceilings are
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Alarm System Types and Components

Alarm Systems

Types of Alarm Systems

There are three main types of alarm systems:

  • Anti-theft and intrusion
  • Fire and leakage
  • Monitoring of industrial processes

Anti-theft and Intrusion Alarms

Burglar alarms protect sites in the absence of the owner and, in some cases, in their presence. These systems warn of attempted theft or intrusion, deterring attempts or fooling a thief with secret activation.

Fire Alarms

Fire detectors vary depending on the calculated risk for each site. Local systems exist in places

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Telecommunication Evolution: From Telegraph to Internet

Telecommunication: Bridging Distances Through Technology

Information and Communication

Information is the processed data that provides knowledge. Communication is the process of transmitting information between a sender and a receiver, which can be unidirectional or bidirectional (e.g., reading, watching TV). The communication process involves:

  • Issuer: The source of information.
  • Message: The data or information itself.
  • Code: The representation of the information.
  • Channel: The medium through which information
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Understanding MIC Techniques and ISDN Functional Groups

MIC Techniques: Permit digital-analog conversion to optimize signal transmission. Digital operations are based on three processes:

  • Sampling: Transforming an analog signal into a series of pulses (PAM or Pulse Amplitude Modulation). The sampling frequency must be greater than twice the maximum frequency of the original signal (Nyquist criterion, Fmues ≥ 2.fmax). Commonly used frequencies are 8 KHz (8,000 samples per second).
  • Quantization: Replacing infinite values with a discrete number of values,
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