Understanding Electricity: Generation, Distribution & Applications

Overview of Electricity

Electricity is a secondary source of energy, meaning it’s derived from other primary sources. In many countries, the primary sources for electricity generation include:

  • Hydro (51%)
  • Gas (34%)
  • Coal (9%)
  • Oil or other (6%)

Electrical energy accounts for approximately 17% of total energy sources in some countries. Other significant energy sources include:

  • Petroleum (38%)
  • Gas (26%)
  • Firewood (13%)
  • Coal (6%)

Electricity is crucial for various production processes, including industry, mining,

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Boost Your Windows 7 PC Speed & Performance | PC Repair Clinic

PC Performance Advisor Report

DATE OF TEST: Monday, March 11, 2013 9:04:42 p.m.

DATE OF TEST: Monday, March 11, 2013 09:04:42 p.m.

Operating System
Windows 7 tick.gif
Internet Browser
Firefox 19 tick.gif
ENABLED tick.gif
PC Performance

Attention: The most common PC troubles are found at locations spread throughout your PC. Do you know where they are? Read on to find out how to pinpoint these locations where errors exist and what potential errors they might cause.


Update Notice For

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PC Repair Clinic: Fix PC Errors and Speed Up Windows

Welcome to MyPC Backup!

Hola Rodolfo,

You have just signed up for MyPC Backup, but you have not yet installed our software. MyPC Backup will back up all your files and allow you to access them from anywhere at any time.

To start protecting your files, you need to download and install our application:


Your login details are:

  • Email: lorito0960@hotmail.com
  • Password: *** chosen by you ***

If you have forgotten the password you chose, just click on the forgotten password link.

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Boost Your PC Performance with System Mechanic: The Science Behind It

iolo technologies        



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PC Hints and Tips

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Acoustic Comfort in Buildings: Noise Sources & Control

Acoustic Intensity

By definition, there is a difference of 1 Bel between two currents if the relationship is 10. When compared with a reference intensity, the number of dB for each intensity level defines its intensity on a scale where the zero level (0 dB) corresponds to the intensity of reference. This is taken as corresponding to the average threshold of perception at 1000 Hz.


The magnitude of the sensation of sound depends on the acoustic wave intensity and frequency. Increased sensitivity

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Environmental Protection and Management Act (EPMA) Cheat Sheet


1a. Duty of Occupier

General (EPMA Sec 2): Occupier must take reasonably practicable measures to ensure safety, considering the conditions, circumstances, technical knowledge, provision/maintenance/proper use of plant, and supervision of any process/operation.

Land and Drain (EPMA Sec 15): Occupier must obtain a license from the Director-General (DG) to discharge trade effluent, oil, chemicals, sewage, or other polluting matters into any drain or land. Failure to do so may result in liability.

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