Environmental Protection and Management Act (EPMA) Cheat Sheet
1a. Duty of Occupier
General (EPMA Sec 2): Occupier must take reasonably practicable measures to ensure safety, considering the conditions, circumstances, technical knowledge, provision/maintenance/proper use of plant, and supervision of any process/operation.
Land and Drain (EPMA Sec 15): Occupier must obtain a license from the Director-General (DG) to discharge trade effluent, oil, chemicals, sewage, or other polluting matters into any drain or land. Failure to do so may result in liability.
Read MoreUnderstanding DC Motors: Principles, Types, and Applications
Principle of Operation (Generator)
The principle of operation of a generator can be explained by basic electrical theory. Rotating a wire ring within a magnetic field induces an electrical current in the wire.
Establishment of a Dynamo
A dynamo consists of several key components:
- Magnetic circuit (fixed and mobile)
- Electrical circuit (inductor, induced, collector, brushes)
Circuit Magnet
The circuit magnet is typically of the salient pole type and is made of mild steel sheets 0.8 to 1.5 mm thick. Ancillary
Read MoreEnergy Fundamentals: Forms, Transformations, and Efficiency
Chapter 1: Energy Basics
What is Energy?
Energy is the capacity to do work. It can be converted from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. Energy is a property of matter that can be converted into work, heat, or radiation.
Forms of Energy
Several forms of energy exist, including:
- Kinetic Energy: Energy possessed by a body due to its motion (e.g., a flying airplane).
- Potential Energy: Energy that a body possesses by virtue of its physical position (e.g., water stored behind a dam)
Print Culture and the Modern World
Print Culture & the Modern World
The First Printed Books
The earliest print technology was developed in China, Japan, and Korea. From 594 AD onwards, books were printed in China by rubbing paper against the inked surface of woodblocks. The traditional Chinese ‘Accordion Book’ was folded and stitched at the side because both sides of the thin, porous sheet could not be printed. For a very long time, the imperial state of China was the major producer of printed material. The Chinese bureaucratic
Read MoreReader Response Criticism: A Comprehensive Overview
Reader Response Criticism
Reader response criticism/theory focuses on the reader’s role in interpreting literary texts. It gained popularity because it acknowledges the reader’s personal experience and active participation in the meaning-making process.
Key Figures and Concepts
Stanley Fish
Fish analyzed readers’ responses as they unfold sequentially while reading. He argued that texts create expectations and then either fulfill or frustrate them. Fish also introduced the concept of interpretive
Read MoreIntroduction to Discrete Mathematics: Logic, Sets, and Functions
Logic and Proof
Propositional Logic
Twelve Ways to Say: p ⇒ q
- If p, then q.
- If p, q.
- q if p.
- q when p.
- p is sufficient for q.
- q is necessary for p.
- A sufficient condition for q is p.
- A necessary condition for p is q.
- p implies q.
- p only if q.
- q whenever p.
- q follows from p.
Related Conditional Statements
- Contrapositive: ¬ q → ¬ p
- Inverse ¬ p: → ¬ q
- Converse: q → p
- “p is necessary and sufficient for q”
- “If p then q, and conversely”
- “p iff q”
- Neg
- And, or
- Implies or biconditional