Vocabulary Exercises: Improve Your English
Vocabulary Exercises
- 1-C; 2-C; 3-T(3,4); 4-F(10,11); 5-F(13,14); 6-F(15,16); 7-high; 8-predictable; 9-tend; 10-with; 11-inherited; 12-habit
- 1c 2a 3t1,2 4t2,3 5f4,5 6f8 7wander 8achievement 9was studying 10out 11safe 12 cheat
- 1a 2c 3t5 4t9 5f12,13 6t15,16 7 unpopular 8 succeed 9 global 10 laughing 11 across 12 useful
- 1b 2a 3d 4f2 5f11,12 6t14,15 7 accommodation 9 almost 10 respectable 11 came 12 agree
- 1d 2d 3f9,10 4t12,13 5f8,9 6f16,
Nicki Minaj, Drake, and Lil Wayne: A Song’s Lyrics
Nicki Minaj
Yo, I never fucked Wayne, I never fucked Drake
On my life, man, fuck’s sake
If I did I menage with ’em and let ’em eat my ass like a cupcake
My man full, he just ate, I don’t duck nobody but tape
Yeah, that was a set up for a punchline on duct tape
Worried ’bout if my butt’s fake
Worry ’bout yall niggas, us straight
These girls are my sons, John and Kate plus eight
When I walk in, sit up straight, I don’t give a fuck if I was late
Dinner with my man on a G5 is my idea of an update
Mastering English: Articles, Plurals, and Prepositions
Singular and Plural ‘There is/There are’
- Singular: There is (There’s)
- Is there?
- There is not (There isn’t or There’s not)
- Plural: There are
- Are there?
- There are not (There aren’t)
The Use of Articles ‘A’ and ‘An’
‘A’ = one thing/person
- Alice works in a bank.
- Can I ask a question?
- I haven’t got a car.
- There’s a woman at the bus stop.
Use ‘an’ instead of ‘a’ before vowels (a, e, i, o, u):
- Do you want an apple or a banana?
- I’m going to buy a hat and an umbrella.
- There was an interesting program on TV last night.
Read MoreThe Grapes of Wrath: A Summary and Analysis
The Grapes of Wrath is an American realist novel written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939.[2] The book won the National Book Award[3] and Pulitzer Prize[4] for fiction, and it was cited prominently when Steinbeck was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1962.[5]
Set during the Great Depression, the novel focuses on the Joads, a poor family of tenant farmers driven from their Oklahoma home by drought, economic hardship, agricultural industry changes, and bank foreclosures, forcing tenant
Read MoreDriving Age, English Influence, and Love-Locks Debate
Minimum Driving Age
The minimum driving age in most places in America is 16 years, although in almost all European countries the minimum age is 18 years. This topic has been controversial for decades, and there are different opinions on what age is appropriate to start driving.
Arguments for Lowering the Driving Age:
- One advantage of lowering the driving age in European countries is that at 16, individuals can move independently. This reduces the burden on families who have to transport their children.
English Vocabulary and Grammar: Appearance, News, and More
- Beauty contest: concurso de belleza
- Look-alike: doble
- Outfit: traje
Personality Adjectives
- Caring: cariñoso
- Cheerful: alegre
- Deceitful: mentiroso
- Dull: aburrido, soso
- Extroverted: extrovertido
- Moody: malhumorado
- Selfish: egoísta
- Vain: presumido
Compound Adjectives
- Bad-tempered: malhumorado
- Big-headed: creído
- Broad-shouldered: ancho de hombros
- Fair-skinned: claro de piel
- Good-natured: amable, bondadoso
- Long-legged: con las piernas largas
- Narrow-minded: estrecho de miras
- Short-sighted: miope
- Thick-skinned: