Key Codes 14111, 14112, 14113, and 14114: Details and Openings

Key Code 14111



Key Code 14113


Openings for Key Codes 14113 and 14111

(Same for both)

  1. Lived here
  2. Built
  3. Have you
  4. Change
  5. Where I can buy one
  6. She was afraid that she might not lose enough weight
  7. The hotel is not near the
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Human Attraction: Biological and Genetic Factors

Option A: June 2009

**Human Attraction: Biological and Genetic Factors**

David Givens investigates the biological and genetic code of attraction between men and women. He has found that tall men, women with a certain waist size, and more symmetrical people attract the opposite sex more because they are both healthier themselves and will have healthier children.

Key Findings from David Givens’ Research

  • David Givens asked how two bodies get close enough together to procreate.
  • True love is too complex for
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Immigrant Life: Caribbean to UK – A Personal Journey

Wherever I Hang My Knickers

This poem explores the journey of a female immigrant from the Caribbean to the UK. The use of phrases like “Wherever I hang my knickers, that’s my home” clearly indicates the speaker’s gender and her attempt to adapt to a new life.

Leaving the Caribbean

The speaker is leaving behind the vibrant life of the Caribbean – nature, food, friends, colors, and calypso – due to poverty. She seeks a life of dignity in the city.

A Positive View of England?

Initially, England is portrayed

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Text Connectors, Proverbs, Fruits, Animals, Dances, and Call

Text Connectors and Their Uses

Temporary connectors are used to organize events in the text following a temporary order. Some of these connectors are: at first, then, before, after, in the end, then (after dot).

Serial connectors organize the different parts of a text from a logical standpoint. Common serial connectors include: To begin, first, second, finally (after dot).

Purely explanatory connectors add further explanation or clarification. Examples are: that is, that is, that is, rather, in other

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