Lazarillo de Tormes: A Story of Survival and Social Critique

The Honor of the Impoverished Esquire

One day, after eating reasonably, he told me he was from Old Castile and had abandoned his city for not removing his hat to a neighbor.

“Sir,” I said, “if that neighbor had more than you, it was wrong not to remove his hat in greeting.”

“Yes, I had more, but as I always took off his hat, it was wrong for him not to do it before me at least once.”

“I think, sir, that’s not important since one must respect people who are better than oneself.”

“You’re just a boy,” he

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Classic Tales and Practical Skills: A Compilation

The Emperor’s New Clothes

  1. What was typical to say of the Emperor?

He is sitting in his wardrobe.

What do weavers do as a profession?

They manufacture clothes.

The weavers said they make very special clothes. Which were the properties of such clothes?

They are invisible to people unfit for their position and simple people.

The King ordered the clothes immediately. Why?

He wanted to find out who is unfit for his job.

What did the weavers do with the gold thread and silk?

They put it in their sacks.

Who did the Read More

Understanding English Grammar and Vocabulary

Key English Vocabulary

Here is a list of useful English words and their translations:

  • Watchful: Vigilante
  • Evolves: Evolucionado
  • Speed Cameras: Cámaras de velocidad
  • Astounding: Asombroso
  • Rough: Peligroso
  • Brain: Cerebro
  • Conduct: Realizar
  • Put up: Colgar
  • Figure: Dato
  • Likely: Probable
  • It’s a pity: Es una lástima
  • Behave: Comportarse
  • Ensure: Asegurar
  • Tend to: Tienden a
  • Choice: Elección
  • Signals: Señales
  • Take place: Tener lugar
  • Worldwide: Mundial
  • Tempted: Tentado
  • White lie: Mentira piadosa
  • Cheated: Engañado
  • Trust: Confiar
  • Change
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Brain Facts, Policies, and Owl Behavior: A Quiz and Analysis

Brain Facts, Policies, and Owl Behavior

1. The human brain makes up only 2 percent of an adult’s body weight.

2. The foreign policies that the Hoover administration undertook in 1929 were marked by good will & peaceful purpose.

3. Children usually turn to their parents rather than to other figures of authority for protection from threats in the environment.

4. Because of the high tides & winds during hurricanes cause extensive damage to Pacific island nations each year.

5. Anthropologists study

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Fahrenheit 451: Unhappiness and Escape in a Dystopian Society

At the very least, Clarisse awakens in Montag a love and desire to enjoy the simple and innocent things in life. She speaks to him about her delight in letting the rain fall upon her face and into her mouth. Later, Montag, too, turns his head upward into the early November rain in order to catch a mouthful of the cool liquid. In effect, Clarisse, in a very few meetings, exerts a powerful influence on Montag, and he is never able to find happiness in his former life again.

The Illusion of Happiness

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Poetry Analysis: Mother, Father, and Nature’s Resilience

Praise Song for My Mother

  • “Water”metaphor: basic need for survival; her mother was essential and surrounded her life
  • “Moon’s” — a sacred image; symbol of her mother (gentle in nature, caring and motherly)
  • “Sunrise” — her mother was there at the start of every new day
  • “The fishes’ red gill” — a fish’s gill is vital for survival; in this way, her mother was someone she always depended on
  • “The flame tree’s” — gave her shelter and protection, also symbolizes life and growth
  • “The crab’s leg/The
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