Chinua Achebe’s Dead Men’s Path: Post-Colonial Ideas

Chinua Achebe’s Dead Men’s Path: A Post-Colonial Perspective

Chinua Achebe’s Dead Men’s Path effectively reflects his post-colonial ideas for several reasons:

The Need to Tell the Story from Within

A primary post-colonial concept is the necessity of telling the story from the inside, as the colonized have historically been denied a voice. Chinua Achebe’s motivation to become a writer stemmed from this realization during his university years. His critique of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness extended

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Photography Terms: A Comprehensive Glossary

Aperture: The aperture is the size of the ‘hole’ in the lens that allows light to pass through the camera to the film or sensor. It’s measured in ‘f-stops’, and these are simply the numbers you get when you divide the focal length by the diameter of the aperture. Because each stop has to be a doubling or halving of the light, and because a doubling of the diameter doesn’t give you a doubling of the area of the aperture, you get ‘funny’ numbers like f/5.6 or f/7.1.

Aspect Ratio: This

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American Literature: The Rise of a National Voice

The Rise of a National Literature

In the early years of the new republic, there was disagreement about how American literature should grow. There were three different points of view. One group was worried that American literature still lacked national feeling. They did not want books which were based on European culture. Another group felt that American literature was too young to declare its independence from the British literary tradition. The third group also felt that the call for a national

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Cervantes’ Masterpieces: Narrative Works Beyond Don Quixote

Narrative Works of Cervantes

La Galatea

La Galatea is a pastoral novel whose theme is love, presented through various cases. The basic argument is simple and is located in a limited space and a very short time: the love of the shepherds Elicio and Erastus for Galatea, on the banks of the River Tagus, for ten days. Several elements are added to this narrative scheme:

  • Interpolated Stories: Cases of love experienced by other shepherds are included in the main plot. There are four interspersed narratives:
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14th Century Spanish Literature: Authors and Works

The Archpriest of Hita

The Archpriest of Hita is the most important author of the clergy of the 14th century. He is known for one of the major works in Medieval Spanish Literature: The Book of Good Love, a poem of gay and jovial character.

The Book of Good Love can be divided into seven parts:

  1. A prologue in prose that explains the moralizing intention of the work.
  2. A cheerful and carefree story that follows the various affairs of the protagonist.
  3. Various stories, including: “The Battle Between Don Carnal
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Sean O’Casey’s Juno and the Paycock: Themes and Analysis

Nationalism in *Juno and the Paycock***

Johnny is a nationalist. We see the effect nationalism can have on people’s lives through Johnny’s injuries. When the Mobilizer comes for him, he asks if he hasn’t done enough for Ireland: he’s lost his arm and his hips are destroyed. A young man replies to him, saying that no man can do enough for Ireland! O’Casey is disillusioned with such causes. This reflects the “Irishness” of the play.

Civil Strife

As the country is in the midst of a civil war, we see the

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