Master English Grammar and Sentence Structure

English Grammar Exercises

A. Embedded Questions

Complete the following embedded questions.

  1. Do you need any help?
    Call me if you need any help.
  2. Where’s Helen gone?
    You’ve no idea where Helen has gone, have you?
  3. When will Tony be back?
    Do you happen to know when Tony will be back?
  4. How much is it going to cost?
    You don’t know how much it is going to cost, do you?
  5. Will he be back soon?
    You wouldn’t happen to know if he will be back soon, would you?

B. Unless vs. If

Fill the gap in each sentence with unless or

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Characters in Luciana’s Coma: A Deep Dive


Main Characters

  • Luciana: The protagonist. A young model and chess player, currently in a coma.
  • Eloy: Luciana’s boyfriend, who loves her deeply.
  • Loreto: Luciana’s best friend. She suffered from bulimia, described as very thin with an angular face.
  • Norma: Luciana’s sister.
  • Poli García: A drug dealer (described as a “camel”). He is in his 30s, short, with short black hair. He sold drugs to Luciana and her friends.
  • Inspector Espinos (Vicente): The inspector in charge of Luciana’s case.
  • Lorenzo
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Job Satisfaction vs. High Salary: What Matters More?

Job Satisfaction vs. High Salary

It is often argued that it is more advantageous to choose a job with a high wage, even if it doesn’t appeal to you at all. I completely disagree with this opinion and believe that job satisfaction is much more important than salary.

The Importance of Job Satisfaction

First of all, job satisfaction gives people a sense of fulfillment that no amount of money can guarantee. Pursuing one’s interests will always bring pleasure and a feeling of satisfaction. For example,

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Weekend Activities and Travel Tips

Weekend Activities:

  • Visit relatives
  • Go clubbing
  • Have a lie-in
  • Meet up with friends
  • Do some gardening
  • Have a quiet night in
  • Tidy up the house or flat
  • Do some exercise
  • Go to exhibitions
  • Chat to people online
  • Have people round for dinner
  • Go for a walk or run

Adjectives to Describe Feelings:

  • Relaxed (tranquilo, relajado)
  • Nervous (nervioso)
  • Pleased (estar contento)
  • Embarrassed (avergonzado)
  • Annoyed (molesto)
  • Fed up (harto)
  • Disappointed (decepcionado)
  • Stressed (agobiado, estresado)
  • Calm (tranquilo)
  • Upset (afectado)
  • Scared (miedo)
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Vocabulary, Grammar, and Writing Skills for English Learners

Vocabulary: Unit 6: Pastime: pasatiempos, Belongings: pertenencias, Shopkeeper: tendero/ Gear: equipo, Get rid of: deshacerse, Debts: deudas, Out of bounds: fuera de límites, Stuff: cosas/ Bonfires: fogatas, Nag: fastidiar, Teased: embromado, Refund: devolución, Receipt: recibo, Sweatshop: explotación, Bargain: ganga, Afford: permitir, Splurge: derrochar, Merchandise: mercancías, Carry: llevar u obtener, Price-conscious: consciente del precio/ Pick out: elegir, Shop around: dar vueltas, Stock

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Debates: Pets, Social Media, School Breaks, and Fashion Models

Is It Better to Have a Pet?


A lot of people dream of having a pet, but not everyone is sure if it’s a good idea. On one hand, animals can be amazing companions and bring a lot of joy. On the other hand, they require time, money, and responsibility. So, is having a pet really worth it?


First of all, pets can make people happier and less lonely. Whether it’s a dog, a cat, or even a fish, spending time with an animal helps reduce stress and anxiety. That’s why therapy dogs exist—they

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