English-Spanish Vocabulary: Common Words and Phrases

English-Spanish Vocabulary

Puff: jadear, Snore: roncar, Yawn: bostezar, Blow: soplar, Sigh: suspirar, Splutter: escupir, Whine: lloriquear, Sob: llorar, Stammer: tartamudear, Sniff: oler, Cough: tos, Stutter: tartamudear, Sneeze: estornudar

Dazzle: brillo, Sparkle: reflejar, Shine: alumbrar, Flash: destello, Twinkle: parpadear

Drill: taladro, Pliers: alicate, Hammer: martillo, Screwdriver: destornillador, Spade: pala

Squeak: ratón, Hiss: sisear, Slam: portazo, Rattle: repiquetear, Roar: ruido, Rumble:

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Enhance Your English: Compound Adjectives & Vocabulary

Compound Adjectives

Compound Adjectives

  • Kind-hearted = generous
  • Level-headed = calm
  • Strong-willed = determined
  • Even-handed = fair
  • Single-minded = focused
  • Two-faced = dishonest



  • Committed = comprometido
  • Courageous = valiente
  • Determined = decidido
  • Dependable = reliable/confiable
  • Humble = humilde
  • Proud = orgulloso
  • Ambitious = ambicioso
  • Confident = seguro
  • Focused = centrado
  • Honest = honesto
  • Look up to = admirar
  • Degree = university studies
  • Career = professional life
  • Take off = to start
  • Leave out = excluir
  • Greet
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Conditional Sentences and Modal Verbs

This document explores conditional sentences and modal verbs. Here’s a breakdown:

Conditional Sentences

Conditional sentences express hypothetical situations and their consequences. Here are some examples:

  • If she came today, I would give her flowers.
  • I will make fewer mistakes if I were careful.
  • If he broke the window, he would pay for it.
  • If she had studied harder, she would have passed the exam.
  • If you read the instructions, you would know what to do.
  • If I go out today, I’ll buy the newspaper.
  • If the pain
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Advantages and Disadvantages: AI, Uniforms, Phones & Social Media

Artificial Intelligence: Advantages and Disadvantages

As I see it, artificial intelligence (AI) has both advantages and disadvantages. I feel that it helps people in many ways, such as making tasks faster and improving technology in fields like medicine and education. In my view, AI is a tool that can make our lives easier if used responsibly.

Benefits of AI

  • AI can analyze large amounts of data quickly, which helps scientists make important discoveries.
  • It can assist in daily life, like using virtual
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English Vocabulary: Crimes, Comparative & Superlative

Crime Vocabulary

  • Murder: Deliberately killing someone.
  • Kidnapping: Taking somebody and demanding money for their release.
  • Burglary: Entering a building (often when no one is there) to steal money or objects.
  • Mugging: Taking something from someone by force in the street.
  • Pickpocketing: Stealing something from someone’s pocket without being noticed.
  • Arson: Illegally setting fire to a building.
  • Rape: Violently attacking a person sexually.
  • Hijacking: Using force to take control of a plane, etc.
  • Fraud: Cheating
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A Christmas Carol: Characters and Summary

Characters in A Christmas Carol

Ebenezer Scrooge

Scrooge is portrayed as a selfish, greedy, and stingy individual who dislikes Christmas because he associates it with spending money. He is described as having a cold and unkind face, a pointed nose, red eyes, and thin blue lips. In his youth, he had dark hair, but it has since turned white.

Jacob Marley

Jacob Marley was Scrooge’s best friend and business partner. Their company was named “Scrooge and Marley.” Like Scrooge, he was stingy. He died seven

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