Mastering Modals, Health Vocabulary, and Student Essays

Mastering Modals in English


  • Ability: (can/could/be able to)
  • Possibility and Certainty: (could/might/may/must not/can’t)
  • Obligation: (need to, needn’t/have to/must not)
  • Prohibition: (mustn’t)
  • Advice: (should/ought to)

Health Vocabulary

  • Cold: resfriado
  • Food poisoning: intoxicación
  • Headache: dolor de cabeza
  • Ill: enfermo
  • Medicine:
  • Pill: píldora
  • Stomach ache: dolor de estómago
  • Stressed: estresado
  • Tablet: pastilla
  • Temperature: fiebre
  • Tired: cansado

  • My ankle: mi tobillo
  • My wrist: mi muñeca
  • Myself: por mi (romper/
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English Verb Tenses

Understanding English Verb Tenses

Present Tenses

Present Simple

This verb tense expresses permanent actions or actions that occur regularly in the present, such as daily routines or habits.

  • I eat a lot.
  • He eats a lot.

Present Continuous

This verb tense expresses actions happening now or planned for the future.

  • I am eating a hot dog.
  • He is eating a hot dog.

Present Perfect Simple

This verb tense expresses actions that occurred recently, began in the past and continue to the present, or have just been completed

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Vocabulary: Geography, TV Shows, and Feelings

Geography Vocabulary

  • Mountain range: A long line of very big hills. Cordillera.
  • Beach: An area next to the sea with a lot of sand. Playa.
  • Desert: An area with a lot of sand, but not many plants or water. Desierto.
  • Forest: An area with a lot of trees, plants, and animals. Bosque.
  • Ice cap: A big cold area that covers the lands and sea. Capa de hielo.
  • Island: A piece of land with water all around it. Isla.
  • Jungle/rainforest: An area with a lot of trees, plants, and animals where it rains a lot. Jungla/Selva.
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Ibiza & Camping: A Summer Adventure Awaits!

I’m fairly sure you’ll agree that the Ibiza party scene is amazing! Listen to me! Would you like to have a good time, especially if you’re feeling down? Then you and your friends must go to Ibiza this summer.

Some people believe it’s the best place in the world, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. For example, if you don’t have much money, you might find Ibiza expensive.

As far as I’m concerned, I didn’t have much knowledge about this place because I had never been to Ibiza. Nevertheless,

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Mastering English Grammar: Present Perfect, Past Simple, Comparisons & More

Present Simple vs. Present Perfect

Use the correct form of the verbs (know, leave, not eat):

I have known my French friend Nicole since September.

Have your parents ever travelled?

My father retired last year.

My father left home five years ago.

So far this week, I haven’t eaten.

Did you talk to your teacher about…?

Past Simple or Present Perfect

Complete the text using the past simple or the present perfect:

(Passed, gave, asked, have never gone, was, told, were, has never driven, have seen, have never

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Greening the Sahara, Robots, and More

Greening the Sahara

The Sahara’s population is growing, and the government is working to address the issue. The government needs more money and is working to protect animals and plants. The vastness of the Sahara is a factor, and the ancient construction of the pyramids is a testament to the past.

Make Room for the Robots

Scientists are creating robots with advanced skills. ASIMO is a human robot with many skills and uses. It can lead an entire orchestra. Monty needs to look more like humans because

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