Essential English Verbs and Their Spanish Translations
Cut | Cut | Cut Hit | Cortar |
Hit | Hit | Pegar, Golpear | |
Hurt | Hurt | Hurt | Doler, Hacer daƱo |
Let | Let | Let | Dejar, Permitir |
Put | Put | Put | Poner |
Set | Set | Set | Poner (the table) |
Shut | Shut | Shut | Cerrar |
Bring | Brought | Brought | Traer |
Build | Built | Built | Construir |
Catch | Caught | Caught | Coger |
Feed | Fed | Fed | Alimentar |
Feel | Felt | Felt | Sentir |
Fight | Fought | Fought | Luchar |
Get | Got | Got | Conseguir, Recibir |
Hold | Held | Held | Abrazar, Sujetar |
Lay | Laid | Laid | Poner huevo/mesa |
Lead | Led | Led | Liderar |
Leave | Left | Left | Salir de |
Lend | Lent | Lent | Prestar |
Light | Lit | Lit | Encender |
Meet | Met | Met | Encontrarse con |
Pay | Paid | Paid | Pagar |
Say | Said | Said | Decir |
Sell | Sold | Sold | Vender |
Send | Sent | Sent | Enviar |
Shine | Shone | Shone | Brillar |
Smell | Smelt | Smelt | Oler |
Speed | Sped | Sped | Acelerar |
Spell | Spelt | Spelt | Deletrear |
Spend | Spent | Spent | Gastar |
The Queen and I: A Royal Transformation
Chapter 1: A New Reality
The Crown’s Fate
Why did the Queen resist a republican government? What did Jack Barker tell the Royal Family about their new homes? He informed them they would receive a pensioner’s bungalow, their entitlement as ordinary citizens.
A Symbolic Gesture
What did Jack Barker do with the Queen’s crown, and what did it signify? He held it aloft for all to see, symbolizing the monarchy’s end.
Chapter 2: Life in Hell Close
Introducing the Threadgolds
Beverley and Tony Threadgold are introduced.
Read MoreAura: A Tale of Obsession and Reality
Aura: Character. Niece of the widow Llorente. Seductive, young, with stunning green eyes. Silent and subservient to her aunt.
Felipe Montero: Main character. Young history teacher seeking better fortune. Intelligent and lonely.
Consuelo Llorente: Character. Elderly woman, sometimes insightful, sometimes detached from reality. Obsessed with her late husband and death.
Plot Summary
A young historian, Felipe Montero, is hired to organize a deceased colonel’s memoirs. He moves into the colonel’
Read More12 Business Secrets from Peruvian Entrepreneurs
First Secret: Think Globally
Alfonso Velasquez, former Minister of Production and current asparagus, piquillo peppers, and artichoke exporter, advises, “The field of business is the world; we must look beyond borders.” Globalization and tools like the internet offer entrepreneurs opportunities to discover new business possibilities worldwide.
Second Secret: Take the Leap
Maximo San Roman, former Vice President of Peru, shares his journey from assistant mechanic to founder of the nationally and internationally
Read MoreThe Moonstone Mystery: Unraveling Theft and Deception
How Did the Moonstone Arrive?
The Moonstone, a sacred gem, was set in the forehead of a four-handed Indian moon-god statue. It was brought to England due to superstition and its perceived value.
What Happened to Those Who Tried to Steal It?
Anyone who attempted to steal the Moonstone would suffer greatly, as would their family.
Who Guarded the Moonstone?
Three Indian Hindu priests belonging to the Brahmin caste guarded the Moonstone.
Who Was Lord Herncastle?
Lord Herncastle was Colonel Herncastle’s brother.
Read MoreAnalyzing ‘The Turn of the Screw’: Chapter Questions & Answers
Questions & Answers
1. According to Eleanor, what was especially frightening about the first ghost story?
The ghost appeared first to a small child.
2. How did Douglas know Catherine Blake, and when did they first meet?
Douglas knew Catherine Blake because she was his sister’s governess. They met one summer when he came home from university.
3. What was the condition for the governess job, and why did Lord Henry demand it?
The governess would be completely responsible for Miles and Flora.