Everyday Life Insights: Residence, Education, and Technology

Living Preferences and University Residences

1) I don’t want to live in a flat. 2) I prefer a university residence. 3) I don’t have to clean or cook; everything is done there. 4) What about finding 5) I can’t believe my ears; last week you said you hated her. 6) Why don’t you stay in the university residence?

Leisure Activities and Choices

1) We could watch a movie on TV. 2) What movie? 3) I don’t want to see that one. 4) Why don’t we go to that new discotheque? 5) How about bowling? 6)

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Vocabulary and Grammar: Music, Finance, Relationships

Music Vocabulary

Movie (Pelicula) terms: one-hit wonder, manager, single, up-tempo song, opening act, label, snappy song, plug a song, encore, state fairs, shoot up the charts, mockumentary, low-budget, penny whistle, buskers, scheme, spotted, engaged, word-of-mouth, owing to, outrageous, uplifting, pitch, tune, bootleg, lyrics, filesharing.

Unit 1: Music and General Vocabulary

  • Play something by ear
  • It’s music to my ears
  • It rings a bell
  • You have to face the music
  • You sound like a broken record
  • I must blow
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Customer Complaints, San Jose Travel, Moral Stories, Email vs. Post

Complaint Letter: Wrong Shoe Color

Dear Mrs. Miller,

I am writing to explain a problem that I have had with a pair of trainers which I ordered last week.

This morning, I received a package from your shop. When I opened the package, I checked the pair of trainers, and noticed you have sent me the wrong ones because the color is different.

I ordered a pair of pink trainers, and you have sent me blue ones.

I would like to resolve this problem because I need my trainers to participate in a race next Saturday.

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Captain Alatriste: Adventures of a 17th-Century Swordsman


The book contains eleven chapters:

  1. Tavern del Turco: In this first chapter, Iñigo, the narrator of the story, tells us about the life of Diego Alatriste y Tenorio, a man who was neither honest nor pious, but a brave man, in Madrid at that time. This first chapter tells us how he handles a little job for Saldaña. It also tells us about a typical day in the Tavern of the Turk, a tavern frequented by Alatriste, Iñigo, Quevedo… and some other outsiders.
  2. The Masked Men: The meeting for
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Verb Tenses in English: A Comprehensive Look

Present Tenses

Present Simple

This verb tense is used to express permanent states or actions that take place in the present and with a certain frequency (e.g., daily, every morning, etc.).

  • I eat a lot.
  • He eats a lot.

Present Continuous

This verb tense is used to express actions that are taking place in the present, at the same time the sentence is stated, or actions organized for the future.

  • I am eating a hot dog.
  • He is eating a hot dog.

Present Perfect Simple

This verb tense is used to express actions that

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The Journey of Chai: From India to the US Market

Unit 6: I = Interviewer, Ah = Amanda Hamilton

Understanding Chai and Its Origins

I: Now, just explain exactly what chai is and how you came about it.

AH: Chai, um, is actually a generic word for ‘tea’, and in India, chai has been drunk for centuries in the same way that we would drink a normal cup of tea. It’s a blend of spices mixed with milk, sugar, and black tea. In India, it’s traditionally boiled on the side of, um, train stations in huge woks where they’ve freshly boiled the ingredients

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